Dying will Flames of the Space Stars (Reborn)

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Also know as the Galaxies brooding signs, those belong to a group of mercenaries (SQUADRON ALFONSO), the flames appearance has a flickering form of galaxies mixed in with flames, the higher the user's will, the stronger the flame it becomes, though this dying will of flames of the Space Stars are given to those who have illness or special conditions that ties into the characters. their characteristics are tied to the powers they wield

Hyper mode: The Dying will flames of the space stars own answer to the hyper dying will mode, requiring a potent drug called Hyper Burst that is given by the mercenary groups, the users initiate it through slamming the ring onto the ground in their own hands and symbol of the squadron of choice forms, allowing users to gain a aura and sometimes halo, Weapons, and box animals, the alfonso are the only ones that are capable of surviving this ordeal due to their special conditions 

Leo Flame (Gaia *Alternate name*) : Characteristics : Discord 
Powers: Leo flame users uses the power of discord/chaos / Petrification/Freezing inducement / ammo manipulation
Hidden power: Leo Flame users can initiate Hyper Mode : Leo the Lion *Gives users angelic wings with a flaming halo of Leo above their head*
Color: Pineapple-Gold color
User: Leah Segiri 
Condition: One must bear a painful, aching heart *Heart problem*
Box animal: Tigera and Tigero (Twin tigers), Leo (Upon hyper mode activation)
Weapon Type: Crossbow with shields underneath / Arbalest 
Cambio Forma : Great Orion *Leah crossbows becomes more royal like and her bolts can shred any armor/shields*
Ring: Leo Ring 
Wavelength *Dying will flames of the space stars version of Wave-Energy* : W Shape
Hyper mode gear: Twin Crossbow of Leo
"Under a proud leadership of it's own Pride, Leo Flame users is the master of none and the discord it sows will bring the pain train" 

Scorpius/Scorpio Flame ( Stinger *Alternate name* ) Characteristics : Envenom
Color: Darker Red mixed in with crimson
Power: Scorpio Flame users uses the power of Venom and poison / Explosion inducement / Insect manipulation *Scorpions*
Hidden power: Scorpio Flame users can initiate hyper mode: Scorpio the scorpion *Gives users scorpion like tail, pincers on the back and acting as extra arms, and a scorpion like mask*
User: Vladimir Stakov
Condition: One must be blinded to see what is hidden *permanent or temporary blindness*
Box animal: Viy *A Giant scorpion with twin stingers and a flaming aura* ,  Scorpio (Upon hyper mode activation)
Weapon Type: Proximities mines/grenades/C4's/hand-held bombs
Cambio Forma: Heavy Armed Scorpion Tank or HAST *Turns Viy into a Armored/vehicular Scorpion Tank with a salvo box*
Ring: Scorpio Ring
Wavelength: Vertical shape at times with static
Hyper mode Gear: Frag Grenade Scorpio
"The Scorpio flame users awaits it's prey and strike them down while they're on the ground, and each stings will slowly kill them"

Aquarian/Aquarius Flame (Bearer *Alternate name) : Characteristics: Flooding
Color: Darker Blue mixed in with turquoise
power: Aquarius users can manipulate water at will and can cause flooding / and archetype: martyr's 
Hidden power: Aquarius Users can initiate hyper mode: Aquarius the water bearer *Gives aquarius users prosthetic hand and a aura of water moving in a waterfall movement*
User: Shen Mamoru 
Condition: one must sacrifice a left or right hand to bear the vase *Removal of left/right hand or Ampu**ion *
Box animal: Kabibe (Clam in tagalog language), Aquarian Kabibe (Upon Hyper mode activation)
Weapon Type: Vase
Cambio Forma: Poseidon Fury *Manipulate the waters and flood the world with the vase*
Ring: Aquarius Ring
Wavelength: Downward and upward shape
Hyper mode Gear: Water-bearing vase aquarius
"While bearing the water's of life, Aquarius flame users soothes one soul and none so bold with them acting as guardians/martyr's"

Gemini Flame (Twins *Alternate name*) : Characteristics : Entropy 
Color: Dark Yellow and changes to bright yellow
power: Yin-yang manipulation / Divided mind / Coordination enhancements
hidden power: Gemini flame users can initiate hyper mode: Gemini the twins *Gives users a half halo, left and right, mini angelic wings and two giant bat wings*
User: Haruka and haruto Kagamine
Condition: one must block out the others safety *It's not a sacrifice but one twin must be stronger to protect the weaker but with risk*
Box animal: Pollux and Castor *Twin Foxes*, Gemini Pollux and Gemini castor (Upon hyper activation mode)
Weapon Type: Paired swords / Giant scissors / Dolls
Cambio Forma: Dioscuri *Two teddy bears with a unbreakable string, allows the gemini flame users to coordinate their attacks with much ease*
Ring: Twin rings of Gemini 
Wavelength: Static W Shape
Hyper mode Gear: Teddy and Dolly Gemini
"Gemini Flame users are tied to each other's destinies, like twins they are, the older twin must defend the younger"

Taurus Flame (Bull *Alternate name*) : Characteristics : Enrage
Color: Jade-Green
Power: Full Rage / Lightning Manipulation / Earth *Stone* Manipulation
Hidden power: taurus users can initiate hyper mode: Taurus the Bull *Gives users a aura of a lightning shape horns and a crown above their head*
User: Minos Taurion
Condition: One must lose their sense and will to see the morality *Full Rage without rest*
Box animal: Emperor Ferdinand *Bison's*, Emperor Taurus (upon hyper activation mode)
Weapon Type: Baton's / Shields / Boomerangs
Cambio Forma: Labyrinth of Minos *A construction of a giant maze with a lightning wave*
Ring: Taurus Ring
Wavelength: Pseudo-Triangle shape
Hyper mode Gear: Tower Shield Taurus
"Rage like the bovine pack, Taurus Flame Users stampede their enemies in swarms and changing the landscape it suits them the most"

Libra flame (Scale *Alternate name*) : Characteristics : Mesmer
Color: Cerulean Indigo with at times white spots
Power: Mind manipulation / Mesmerizing Presence / Mental pressure / Illusion manipulation / Mental breakdown
Hidden power: Libra users can initiate Hyper mode: Libra the Scales *Gives libra users a aura robe and tentacles on the side of the robe, and a Cthulhu mythos styled halo*
User: Philipp HowardCraft 
Condition: One must break the mind of your own *Temporary insanity*
Box animal: Librorum (A Great bald eagle), Trapezohedron (Giant octopus and summoned once hyper mode is activated)
Weapon types: Dual pistols/guns
Cambio Forma: Prohibited R'lyeh *Pair of Deagles infused with the knowledge of the forbidden god's realm*
Ring: Libra Ring
Wavelength: Rectangular shape
hyper mode gear: Dual Deagle's Libra
"In search of Knowledge, Libra flame users uncover the powers of the dark/cult like arts which they sought, using the power of mind and their own conventional means of destroying their enemies mind"

Virgo flame (Maiden *Alternate name*) : Characteristics : Healing
Color: Royal purple at times with bright purple
Power: Healing / Aura manipulation / Life-Force regeneration / Emotion manipulation
Hidden Power: Virgo flame users can initiate hyper mode: Virgo the virgin *Virgo users becomes a maiden/indian dancer with a chakra aura behind them in a form of a lotus*
User: Veronica 
Condition: one must keep their heart pure without taint *No Vileness*
Box animal: Sati *Crane*, Astraea (Upon hyper mode activation)
Weapon Types: Dual chakrams / Throwing darts
Cambio Forma: Mirror of astraea *Allows virgo flame users to heal everyone and predicts the future*
Ring: Virgo Ring
Wavelength: Static downward and upward shape
Hyper mode gear: Chakram Virgo
"Like a maiden in the springs, Virgo Flame users heals and soothes the other flame users, likewise keeping themselves pure for the better"

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