Data Evo (Generator's Rex)

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When Nanites comes in contact with data or any molecular data, this comes in form of a sentient, living data EVO named Datum.

Datum is the first of the Data EVO, while it's uncertain if it's real or not, Datum created a tight knit community of EVO know as the Cephalopoids/Cephalopods for the Data's, it's location seems to be in a island of some sorts and it's revealed to be thriving with wild and dangerous EVO animals, notable evo animals are the Monkey-Komodo, Hawk-jellyfish, or Angler-Crocodile.

Datum ability is to manipulate data's of any technological site, however due to Datum natural power, he requires a energy/electric energy for him to manipulate, hence he created suit know as the "Cephalon", Which is a big and buff robot but when under datum possession, this changes the robotic skin/metal plating into silver, blue, and white, Datum notable assistants are Ordian *A Floating robotic sentinel EVO*, Sadina *The secretary and representative*, and Samarok *The War Master of the Cephalopods*. Datum Nanites are named "Data-Alpha" Nanites due to their ability and manipulation. 
Ordian being a floating robotic sentinel EVO is capable of scanning fragments and memories while also being a sentinel attacker
Samarok led datafied union soldiers in protecting people from harm and danger, most especially the vulnerable
Sadina became Datum secretary and a representative, having a more female and slim robotic body to boot

Though Datum might be consider to be the Good Counterpart to evolto from Kamen Rider build, not only that, but one of his powerful traits as a Data EVO is that he can conjure up Black holes through series of data and uses the belt-like device know as continuum Datum. 

However there are consequences be at hand.. As more Data EVO Comes, the more evil it spreads...

The first is the Data Evo Torjan, a nanite infused EVO who possesses a armor of the aberration's, and Rasomn the Corrupter

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