Kamen Rider Bat*To / Kifvang

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User: Hibiki Hokuto (a graduated student from a prosperous university who goal in life was to become a teacher)

Bat*To is in fact a japanese translation to bats, Nocturnal species who hides in a dark, it's other name Kifvang is a portmanteau of kiba and fang, though removing the fang except a and you get Kiva, a Kamen Rider of the heisei era.

Bat*To Helmet is somehow a repaint version of kiva helmet but with minor changes in color, such as having a golden-brown with black lines on the helmet and the compound being a bit more gold-ish in color, fitting enough that it's base on the golden-capped fruit bats, a sub-species of bats within the philippine tropical areas. One of the special additions to the entry form was having pair of chains surrounding his left arm and on his right leg, one of the passives increases his damage and has higher vitality, meaning he can take up to 10 hits before a fatal injury hits him.

Hibiki hokuto uses the desire driver and his raise buckle:

Vampire raise buckle: A raise buckle with two set of fangs and a cord-like metallic rod which can be pulled to initiate a henshin transformation, this gives users Kibavat Sword, a sword said to be made to "Life-Drain" Any jyamatos in close proximity without having to damage themselves, though while this raise buckle has no indication where it was created, it's possible that it was formed in the medieval century. On Top, it gives a heavy shoulder and chest plating's with fangs at each ends of the shoulderplates the Left arm chains becomes wrapped and has a dark gold like glow, on the bottom, this turns into armored plated sabatons with the right leg becomes wrapped and has a golden glow, which can do a rider kick instead of a kibavat sword

The finisher without boost is vampire strike, On top, Bat*To soon does his Kendo strike pose and slashed forward and once it hits the jyamato, the jyamatos becomes glassy and shatters apart slowly and life particles soon absorbs into Bat*To, On Bottom, the user right leg armor plates breaks and shows two set of wings and upon jump high and backflips to perform a Rider kick which forms the symbol of any DGP Rider who obtains the vampire raise buckles

With the boost raise buckle, It's know as Vampire Grand victory, the boostriker appears and turns into a bat, Bat*To soon rides on top of Boostriker back and as it flies and makes bat noises, Bat*To soon performs a giant slash with flames surrounding the Kibavat sword and upon the light speed slash, the jyamtaos soon turns into glass and shatters apart instantly instead of a slow route

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