Power Rangers Galaxy Force (OC)

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An adaption to uchu sentai kyuranger. 

Within the outermost cosmos of the milky way, there exist a order where they protect the "Celestial Spheres" *The PR counterpart to the kyutama's* and well guarded in a temple, each of them are guardians to their own orbs, Lord Leonidas Guards the Leonid celestial sphere, Hidden Master Strike Stalker guards the scorpio Celestial sphere, Clan Leader Sigmund Wolfrun guards the Wolf Celestial sphere, Nika guards the Zygos *latin for libra* Celestial sphere , Theserus guards the Bovid Celestial sphere, Lord serpentros guards the Serpent bearer celestial sphere, Chamaeleo guards the Veiled chameleon celestial sphere, Iolani guards the Altair *One of the stars in the aquila constellation* Celestial sphere, Sword master finstripe guards the Doradus celestial sphere, Dragon King Seiryuu Guards the Dragon Celestial sphere, Twin Bears Ursus guards the Ursa celestial spheres *Major and minor*, and finally Phenex Magnus guards the Phoenix celestial sphere. however their secrets are no longer kept secret as the pirate armada know as the barbarossa black invades the temple and kills the order masters, The leader, Blackbeard Von Duke finds the celestial spheres and tried to steal them however. the celestial spheres, all kept in this temple suddenly flew away including the guarded spheres of the masters suddenly teleports to the respective galaxies, angered by this, Blackbeard swore himself that he will find all the celestial spheres and he will rule the galaxies!

Many years have passed since then, many of the galaxies fear the barbarossa black armada is arriving, a group of vigilant heroes, from all backgrounds in the galaxies decides to defend the innocent and weak and save the galaxies from the threats and invasive takeovers, they're called Power Rangers Galaxy force.
Morphing Call "Celestial Release! galaxy ranger awakened!"

Galaxy force rangers main cast

Luke Leon - Hailing from the Planet Earth, Luke is the distant ancestor to Lord Leonidas and he's a college student studying anthropology and archaeology, He was chosen by the Leonid celestial sphere due to the familiarity, Luke becomes the Red Leonid Galaxy Ranger. He is serious, calm, and can be lucky at times by personality *His looks is black hair, blue eyes, stands about 5"8 in height, and fair skin*. The leonid celestial sphere gives luke the power of Fire, the animal control, and the ability to shift the tides of battle in a form of a luck base RNG - the Leonid game of fortune.
he wields the leonid fire greatsword *his main weapon*, Achilles spear *When using achilles celestial sphere*, and Scutum *A tower shield that negates damage, when using the celestial sphere - scutum*.
Luke will later gain the final celestial sphere, know as The Hyper Leonid Sphere, which is the shoutout to super sonic, this allows him to become Hyper Cosmic Red Lion Ranger, gaining a golden cape and the super leonid fire greatsaber. This form becomes the catalyst to blackbeard van duke ultimate form

Kennedy Tiyus - A War veteran from planet Xavat in the scorpius galaxy ring, he fought against the rebelling forces and he was chosen by the Scorpio celestial sphere, honored by strange object, Kennedy tiyus becomes the Orange Scorpio Galaxy Ranger. Kennedy is a loner but nice type of person *kennedy is a human but his hair is sandy blonde, eyes are similar to scorpion but only on the right which is covered in a eyepatch and wears soldiers outfit - desert, he is quite tall*. The Scorpio celestial sphere grants kennedy sand-base attacks, enhance sights and jams enemies guns/weapons with powers. 
He wields Scorpio Dual Claws *his main weapon*, Pyre hearth *Ara celestial sphere, thurible use in lightning torches and seeing the skies*, and Great anchor to heaven Cassiopeia *When using the Cassiopeia celestial sphere*
His super form is Scorpius Arachnos via the scorpio arach super sphere

Amarok Fenrir Cruger - A sirian bounty hunter who only wants in for the money, Chosen by the wolf celestial sphere, Amarok has gain a bit of resolve and makes a decision for himself, he becomes the Blue Wolf Galaxy Ranger in the name of justice, much like Anubis Cruger. His personality is somehow calm, protective, and nice *His appearance is somehow similar to sirian but only exception is that he has a tuff of hair around his neck, like a mane, silver-sapphire color and his eyes are azure blue and stands about 7"10 in height, he is very muscular by build*. The wolf celestial sphere gave Amarok supernatural shadow manipulation, water manipulation, werewolf like abilities, and enhance sight, smell, and hearing
Amarok wields Wolf Dual Glaives *His main weapon*, Celestial Lyra *When using The Lyra celestial sphere, representing a harp*, and Horn of Cetus *Use to call upon the Cetus star megazord and a weapon, when using the cetus celestial sphere*
His Super form is Moon Dusk Wolf via Vanargand Moon Celestial sphere

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