The Seven sins travelers (OC)

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Know as the travelers, the seven sins illiads bears their markings and demonic heritages alongside race

Wrath: Oudysseus / Odysseus/Outis (Kalmuth of Instinct/rage, race is Wolf-Warg)

Lust: Circe (Resod of Air, race is pheasant-Nightingale)

Pride: Nestor (Hetzach of land, race is behemoth-naga)

Envy: Arete (Gifereth of fire, race is Snake-lizard)

Greed: Polyphemus/Kyklops (Dokma of Ore/mineral, race is Bull-komodo dragon)

Sloth: Menelaus (Vinah of noise/sound, race is Bee-hornet)

Gluttony: Telemachus (Trod of water, race is beetle-Mantis)

each of the sin travelers bear their weapon of choice

Oudysseus : Gunblade

Circe: Whip-Rod

Nestor: Guns

Arete: Bow

Kyklops: Fist

Menelaus: Whistle with floating arrow commanded by it

Telemachus: Forged saber

Primal sin lords:

Satan/Satanas : Freedom 

Hekate: Vanity


Lilith: Sorrow

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