The Four Celestial Lights (Terraria)

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Also know as the four sovereigns of the stars, these are summoned once the celestial pillars have been destroyed.

The celestial Solar light - The Daybreaker 
Wields Daybreak and eruption, bullet pattern is a solar fires and solar suns

the celestial vortex light - Phantasm beater
Wields Vortex beater and phantasm, summons wormholes that drags players within it in it's bullet hell phase

the celestial stardust light - Golden Stardust Platinum
Wields Stardust cell staff, Stardust dragon staff and summons stardust guardian, a lot of fucking stars and lasers?!

The celestial Nebula light - Arcanum Nebulae 
Wields Nebula blaze and Arcanum, Players have to be careful as vortex orbs will fire at any direction and can hit anyone in that range.

Once defeating the four lights, the four go together and initiate a group phase battle.

For the attack name

Solar + Vortex: Event Horizon

Nebula + Stardust : Twelve zodiac constellations

Solar + Stardust: Ecliptic End

Nebula + Vortex: Eater of Worlds

once defeating, a achievement is netted 
"Solaris united" - Defeat the four noble lights

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