Cursed technique: Distortion Light (JJK X Lobotomy corp)

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A special grade curse technique that only exist within the otherside of shibuya, namely know as the Seed-Dome Kukunochi. That said, it's been watered and cared by a jujutsu sorcerer name Wyoz Mikami, Somehow a former human who got caught in a accident that result in his body being gravely damaged beyond repair, so what they did? they replace his body with a zebra and grant him jujutsu powers to heal his wounds. though traumatized, wyoz decide to keep this form, because it reminded him of his elementary school days where he was taught about animals, hence the kukunochi has different animals there.

His cursed technique allows him to "Bend" The world's view or in this cause, reality warps both time and space or objects by position, Distortion Light also happens to be dangerous in it's own way, as stated by Wyoz Mikami, he can't use it onto himself but will affect others who are in his range, but what makes it unique is that it changes the way how people perceive it..

Distortion Light appearance happens to be wielded by a sorcerer named Luria Santos, a sorcerer who is persecuted and killed by his own people, and as a dying curse, he cursed his village and the province to suffer a extreme transformation, and so this birth the "Distortion Cursed Spirits". people who killed luria becomes so distorted that they're hideous by shape.. Wyoz mikami was lucky he never turned into one, but rather he "Bends" it for his own.

Know techniques

Kabbalah - Netzah : Summons a flying dragonfly curse spirit that explodes targets

Requisition - Hod : A defensive technique that summons a outer and inner wall

Kabbalah - Hesed : Offensive curse technique that entrenches the surrounding user in "Water" but in reality it's the liquid that takes form of water

The cursed spirits in total :

"the Wolf of the shrine" - A distorted cursed spirit found resting in the shrine, requires offering to calm it down

"The Telephone Ghost" - A Unregistered cursed spirit who is said to be inhabiting one of the telephones

Black silence - ???

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