LOMAF and LOTAS (homestuck, OC)

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Land of Magic and Faith (LOMAS)
Blaz planet in homestuck, Land of Magic and Faith or LOMAF housed angels though not angry ones, just docile ones, also the angels are different as more of them represents as flying quetzalcoatls, serpents with wings and has halos above their heads.
Magic runs freely here as there are inactive mana golems and other constructs of mana, looming in the horizon is the library of sages, pertaining and containing all lore's, old or new about sburb or the game itself. and it has a day and night cycle
Denizen: Angelus 
Blaz aspect is hope and his extended zodiac sign : Aquanius (The Extended purple blood caste, sign of the magician)
His ancestor, the magician, is a powerful mage whose magic knows no bounds, fitting i supposed.
Blaz class: Mage/Heir/Lord (Granted he will be mage or heir, but in rare cases, a lord)
Blaz consorts are the wolves but are split into four tribes
Bloodfang tribe: Konzu the warmonger (Red and white wolf with a eyepatch)
Moonwater tribe: Sena the Songstress (Moon blue and black wolf, a female one)
Shadow Eye Tribe: Gijo the Ninja (Gray and Yellow wolf with scars)
FlameHide Tribe: Flamano the Fireheart (Orange and charcoal black wolf with a flaming hair)

Land of Turbulence and shades (LOTAS)
Asterion planet in homestuck, a desert planet with few oasis and egpytian-greek ruins and pyramids, Turbulence is a word for heavy sandstorms and the shades refers to shadows, walking creatures who hides in shadows. it's believed that the place is always night as oppose to blaz planet, though the stars glows and will attract anyone to follow the light. as asterion states
"Well my planet is sand, so much sand, however there are structures that have been left a clue to it."
Beyond is the Den of Warriors, which used to be a arena.
Asterion aspect is void and his extended zodiac sign : Sagittanius (The Extended indigo blood caste, Sign of the Nascent.)
His ancestor, the nascent is the creator of limiters, which allows indigo blood trolls to use their bows without breaking it, it's a robotic limiter at that.
Asterion class: Knight/Prince/Muse (Asterion common class is Knight or prince but in rare cases, a muse)
Asterion consorts are Komodos, Komodo dragons with a knack to eat anything
Denizen: Krakonus

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