Bolt of Shocking retribution (Danmakufu)

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Boss: Asterion ThunderSmasher [Lightning Bovine of the heavenly light]

boss theme: Permanence of Mount Olympus ~ his heart is no mere rock (Different title of Ei iwabuchi theme in elegant imperance of sakura)

Playable characters: Rouha and Zeno (ore no animism), yumemi and chiyuri / Marisa and Reimu (Touhou)
Shot type:
Rouha : Freezing cold blade (Unfocus charge), Icicle Sword wave (Focus)
Zeno: Lightning ball (Unfocus), thousand years lightning bolt (Focus)
Yumemi: Strawberry Shortcake (Unfocus wide shot), Strawberry cross (Focus shotgun),
Chiyuri: Lasers of time (Unfocus), Folding Chair of time (Focus shotgun)
Reimu: homing amulets (unfocus shot), youkai buster (Focus shot)
Marisa: Flamethrowers of arcanum (Unfocus shotgun), Magic missile (Focus single)


Rouha: Frozen Sword "Icicle Zero - Fall"

Zeno: Lightning God "Wrath of Zeno"

Yumemi: Strawberry sign "Strawberry crisis"

Chiyuri: Sailor Sign "ICBM of time" (warning, this will one shot a boss and has a long cooldown, and skips spell cards, it will make you go LMAO for a next few minutes)

Reimu: boundary art "Four thousand directional circle"

Marisa: magic sign "Earthlight Master Spark"

Difficulty: Extra

Spellcards : 6

Lightning art "Mjolnir of Thor"

Lightning Card "Repetition Gateway - Warp Zero'

Lightning card "boomerang hammer-axe"

Lightning Art "Cumulonimbus"

Rising Art "Zero Gateway - thunder"

final spell card:

Lightning Card "Hurricane Kick Squash"

Extra final spell card *Last word* :

Denouncement "Curtains leveraging the end - GAME OVER DIABOLOS"

(Do not make a scenario please, also chiyuri is kinda broken as a playable character due to her shot type and possibly, her bomb is just a ICBM)

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