NP combinations of warframe (warframe X FGO0

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Excalibur, mag, and Volt: Exalted Crushing Discharge (Number of hits : 30)
Class: Excalibur (Saber), Mag (Caster), Volt (Assassin)
Excalibur unsheathe the Exalted blade and charges forward while Mag Grabs the enemies, soon as their crushed, Volt soon release crackling lightning energy as it hits the enemies, shocking them before excalibur finishes with 4 four void slash sideway and a final diving slash

Gauss and Grendel: Redline Pulverize (Number of hits, 10)
Class: Berserker (grendel), Rider (Gauss)
Gauss soon overcharges his battery and mach rush, Grendel soon enters ball form and bounces quick and hard, Gauss soon thermal sunders *Frost and Fire* and finishes off with a blast of acceltra before a giant grendel ball appears and crushes the enemies beneath

Revenant, Xaku, and Caliban: Lethal Grasp Macabre (Number of hits: 25)
Class: Avenger (Revenant and Xaku), Alter-Ego (Caliban)
Xaku soon grasps Kanshou and bakuya from Emiya and it starts slashing a lot to the enemy, Caliban soon sends down conculyst and Spin-slash enemies a lot of times before ending with Void beams appearing, Revenant danse macabre finishes the enemy off

Khora and Harrow : Covenant Ensnaring Strangledome) (Number of hits: 10)
Class: Ruler (harrow), Assassin (Khora)
Harrow soon floats in the air while his thurible wraps his around, and after that he boosted his allies and gives them invincibility before Khora appears with venari,  ensnaring the enemies before finishing off with a strangledome chain wrap

Protea and Limbo: Temporal Cataclysm (Number of hits: 40)
Class: Archer (protea), and Lancer (Limbo)
Protea activates her temporal anchor and cartwheels around the enemy while sending out her artilleries, soon as it fires, it was put into stasis along with protea as Limbo cataclysm is set, soon as it spirals closer and growing smaller, Protea temporal anchor activates and she reverts back to where she came from and ends with the artillery fire and the cataclysm exploding

Chroma, Atlas, and Mesa: Rumbling Effigy Maker (Number of hits: 150)
Class: Berserker (Atlas), Saber (Chroma), and Archer (Mesa)
chroma effigy splits off and roars, soon as the two starts dashing, Atlas crack his fist and summons his rumblers before charging forward, barraging them in fist and backs away before a elemental breath from chroma effigy appears, both breathe elemental fires and a slash from gram prime before Mesa fires her pistols towards the enemy in a quickest way possible. ending it with the remaining bullets forming a heart.

Ember and Frost: Avalanche Inferno (Number of hits: 20)
Class: Casters (Both of them)
Ember raises her fist and calls down fiery meteors before it suddenly becomes infused with Ice, Frost avalanche happens at the same time, it ends with the field of ice freezing the enemies and a meteor burns right through them

Nezha and Wukong: Divine Fury (number of hits: 5)
Class: Lancer (nezha), MoonCancer (Wukong)
Nezha activates the divine spears which traps enemies before Wukong charges forward with iron staff finally unleashed, this ends with Wukong enlarging the iron staff and crushing his enemies

hydroid and yareli: Tempest Riptide (Number of hits: 20)
Class: Saber (Hydroid), Pretender (Yareli, Rider and pretender)
Yareli rides her Merulina and summons a hydro vortex that drags enemies in, soon hydroid comes out of the water and summons his tempest fleet, water cannonballs barrages the vortex before ending with a big explosion

nidus and saryn: Ravenous spores (Number of hits: 70)
Class: Berserker (Nidus), Caster (Saryn)
Saryn soon sprays her spores to the air and infects enemies before Nidus soon slams the ground in a bestial manner, the maggots soon bites the enemy and explodes, this ends with enemies dragged into nidus infestation pit

Octavia, Hildryn, and Gyre: Cathode Amp Balefire (Number of hits: 10)
Class: caster (Octavia and gyre), Archer (Hildryn)
Hildryn summons her balefire and does a similar pose from sigurd, Gyre soon bows and dances gracefully while flinging arcspheres around the enemy, octavia amps it up with her Amp, this ends with Hildryn firing a lot of flaming bullets to the enemy, Octavia finishes up with a burst shot, and Gyre soon finishes with a bow as the arcsphere explodes.

Nova + Vauban: Molecular Teslos (number of hits: 20)

Nova Soon unleashes a radial wave of antimatter particles as it hits enemies, they're engulfed with the structure being destabilized and ready to explode, Vauban soon throws in his tesla nervos as it attaches, they release electrical shocks as the molecular antimatter suddenly starts to violently react, causing explosion of 10 hits and ends with vauban throwing a vortex and his minelayer - Flechette orb of 10 hits

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