Doors: Into the Multi-Door Verse

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Reaching floor 100 and entering the elevator isn't so bad right? Wrong!

At the end, the glitch appears and shatter the realities apart. causing the elevator to drop drastically and back into the main entrance of the hotel.. wait, something's a bit off...

chapter 1: The Hotel?

Floor 10-30 : know entities
Phantasm (A living entity that took form of a kraken)
Shadow (A pursuer of sorts, will chase you down and can disappear after 10 doors)
Corrupt (Malign Black patches like globs, stepping on it causes you to take Corruption *Reduce max health)
Hide: A opposition to Seek, occurring on floor 20, Hide will forcefully lock room doors and other places, Remember to look up or any surrounding's

Floor 31-70:
Clown: (It's movement is similar to james from identity fraud, just don't move and walk slowly, can appear on floor 41)
Jaded (Spectral green wisp, non-lethal entity and can guide players during the blackout)
Fraud (The taker of identities, be warned of the red eyes, and if someone is killed, can "Mask" itself)
mimic (Unlike Fraud, Mimic can take form of objects and will try to kill people, whether be drawers, beds, or closets, just watch out for the mouths)
Roar (A chaser entity but can stun you down, drop bookshelves or any objects to hinder it's chase!, can occur after 20 doors)

Floor 71-100:

Sample (A helpful entity that gives you healing items and lighting)
Goop (Strange entity that can break down doors much like rush or ambush however, it's slow moving, can appear and reappear five times)
Accuser ("He who accuse shall be know, he is named the accuser", be careful of flickering lights and hide inside closets as long as you can)
Victim ("He was victimized for his form, and now people die from it", much like screech, victim can bite players and inflicted with "Lynching", which damages 1 tick of health. find med kit or a antibiotic syringe)
Shade (A shadowy entity and harmless, can jumpscare players in rare occasion's)
"The End" ("Freedom.. At long last", the final boss of chapter 1, a boss fight with no hiding, use the dimension blade!")

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