Saints Row : Return of the kings

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A what if instead of being Famous, The saints row 3rd street gang decide to keep their popularity hidden or in short, decide that no matter how many gangs they have defeated, it will always keep coming, so what they did? they decide to keep their popularity hidden in their tracks and decide not to go on brand, focusing on their own personal problems and living in their own lives, The boss of the saints however got a call from the group know as shadowbournes as the fighting is not over, the state of stillwater will be in dire situations and thus leading to the return of the kings. 


The Green devils: A Mexican theme gang that is know for their deadly maracas and giant-ass minigun mounted vehicles, led by the lucha libre El Costello Diablo 

The Phoenixes: Formerly know as the Roc's, these gangs are notable for explosion and ignition, the only main problem is that they have pyromaniac tendencies of burning things to the ground. literally or ignite themselves.

Shadowbournes: The final gang that the saints row has to fight, these Top VIP Gangs are know for their powerful armory and armaments at their disposal, but what makes them so interesting is that they're also having a brand deal they set up with. They're the main opposing forces in RotK 

Warpath Corporation or W Corp: A top military organization that is know for to quell any lawbreakers at their disposal, also they're incompetent and very highly unorganized, but what makes up their incompetence is their highly but very powerful weapons.

What changes in this take is that Killbane, leader of the luchadors has joined the 3rd street gangs after his gang is indoctrinated to join the green devils and the morningstars has been assimilated forcefully by the phoenixes after a turf war

And alien invasion that happens in saint row 4 is already happening but was in a guise of the Grays and not zinyak empire and they're competent, they act as neutral forces but hate Warpath corporation and any gangs who are violent. also Grays can or will probe anyone with their UFO's. But also wield powerful high tech weapons or Alien Tech, but it has a recharge battery.

Apparently the loyalty missions for killbane is that you had to stop the green devils from getting their steroid supply and by that he mean sabotaging it with explosives before the supply cars leave

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