Kamen Rider VV

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Also know as Quadruple in a sense *Quadruple : Consisting of four parts or elements* Is a Kamen Rider and a likely successor to Double, current user is Rhenil who was reborn thanks to the power of rewind,  Quadruple takes form of a newly made suit, Four lines that coincide each suit design, in it's blank state, it has the gray color with compound being red, when inserting gaia memories, it changes color and the compound does as well. The Driver is the GaiaDriver - Single with the Gaia installers, In short however, the gaia installers acts as power ups, having three opened slots

The Series takes place in Vandora, the Above and Below, Vandora derives from Pandora and Vendor, with the above "The Vendor" Side of things, or alternatively, Floral with the point of interest is Vandora Sky Tower, A Tower that can see all. The Below is the "Pandora" or the "undergrowth", Housing Junkies and criminals of Vandora, even more so with a point of interest is vandora undergrowth prison, housing criminals of different origins, the Villain group is Evermoore, A Group who smuggles "New" Gaia memories in order to inject people with it.

The Main monster is The Generation Four Dopants, more controlled but more dangerous than ever, with the T3 Gaia memories being more and more noticeable.

Rhenil acts like a child in home but a teenager/adult in the outside of his home, his Dad is Noel, A Detective of high wind agency and currently Kamen Rider Masquerade. Using the Memory Driver Mark 2. 

Know gaia memories in Rhenil hand:
Joker Memory: Type Body, This is the second gaia memory Rhenil uses, becoming Kamen Rider VV : Joker. Also know as Skill warrior
Tempest Memory: Type Soul, The First successor to Cyclone Memory, A Gaia memory infused with the high speed disturbance of winds, akin to tempest. Becoming Kamen Rider VV: Cyclone. When combine with Joker, It becomes VV. Also know as Gale Warrior
Burning Gaia Memory : Type Soul, A Much more bombastic and fiery version to Heat memory, Capable of burning things as much as it wanted too. Also know as Fiery Warrior. When Using Joker, Burning Joker, and Trigger, Burning Trigger
Trigger gaia memory: Type Body, This is the same gaia memory used by Double but this is second made. When combining Tempest, It becomes TriggerTempest or Burning, Burning Trigger, and Iron, Iron Trigger. Also know as Marksman/Gun warrior
Iron Gaia memory : Type Body, MMA Style Gaia memory and a polar opposite to the Metal Gaia memory, With the iron staff, nun-chucks or whip. When combining Tempest, It Becomes Iron Tempest, Burning, Burning Iron, Joker, Iron Joker, Moon, Iron Moon, Trigger, Iron Trigger, Electric, Iron Electric, and Grappler, Iron Grappler, this is the most versatile out of the forms it combines. Also know as All-Out Warrior
Moon Gaia Memory: Type Soul, A Much more mirage and illusionary to The Luna gaia memory, When combine with Iron, It becomes Iron Moon, Joker, Moon Joker, and Grappler, moon Grappler. Also know as Mirage warrior
Electric Gaia Memory: Type Soul, A new gaia memory capable of shocking enemies and leaving them in the dust, Also know as Lightning Warrior, when combine with Joker, Electric Joker, Tempest, Electric Tempest, Iron, Iron Electric, and Moon, Electric Moon
Grappler Gaia memory: Type Body, also know as the Boxer/Grappler Memory, Using gloves and high speed punches and grabs, Also know as Boxer warrior, When combining with Iron, Iron Grappler, Tempest, Tempest Grappler, Burning, Burning Grappler, and Moon, Moon Grappler
Super Forms / Ultima Gaia memories
D-X-D (Decimate - Xtreme - Drop / Destroy - Extreme - Dile) Gaia memory: A Gaia memory and it's the super berserk form, Sacrificing stamina in exchange to use the D-X-D Gaia memory. Much like Fang Memory, The D-X-D has no original name but. upon reveal by a dopant called "Heavy Dopant" it's true name is Destroy - Xtreme - Dile (Short for crocodile).
And Boundary Law Gaia memory: A True super gaia memory, this is the vandora version of Xtreme gaia memory. This Gaia memory is obtained by allowing the four cardinal signs *North, South, Eat, and west* to start the process, akin to wind, the boundary law gaia memory allows the victory against Utopia dopant T3
Eternal / Zone Gaia memories T3: Belonging to the "Museum and NEVER", These two gaia memories are tier 3 with their powers being more stronger than ever. Rhenil rarely used the gaia memories in hand but considering their Ultima / Super Forms, it's nearly impossible, Zone of course is repurposed to move like battleship or chess and being a third user of Eternal Memory, Rhenil can assume form as Kamen Rider Eternal - Green Flare state and uses EternalEdge or EternalBit *A Karambit with two slots*.
Maximum Drive/Finisher:
Two slots
Tempest + Joker: TempestJoker: TempestJoker Extreme - Two slots
Burning Finisher Variant, BurningJoker: JokerExplosion, BurningGrappler - Volatile Rapid Punches
Trigger Finisher Variant :TriggerTempest - TempestBuster, BurningTrigger - Trigger Volatile, IronTrigger - Trigger Full Clip
Iron Variant Finisher: IronTempest - Tempest Twister, BurningIron - Magma Branding, IronJoker - Iron Thrust, IronElectric - Taser Bind, IronMoon - Iron Illusion, and IronGrappler - Iron uppercut 
Moon Finisher Variant: MoonJoker - Mirage Joker, Moon Grappler - mirage uppercuts, ElectricMoon - Mirage Shock
Electric Finisher variant: ElectricJoker - LightningJoker, ElectricTempest - Storm Cloud Kick
Grappler Finisher Variant: TempestGrappler : Tempest High punch
Three slots 
Tempest + Joker + Trigger: TempestJoker shooting
Iron + Moon + Burning: Iron Branding - Illusion
Tempest + Iron + Electric: Electric branding - Tornado
Joker + Burning + Moon: BurningJoker Grenade - Mirage
Four slots:
Trigger + Tempest + Burning + Moon: Trigger Full Clip - Bullet Heaven
Iron + Grappler + Tempest + Electric: Iron Thrust - Grappling Hurricane 
D-X-D : Striding Crocodile Lockjaw, Using gaia memory Trigger - Striding Crocodile Splash, and using Tempest Memory, Striding Crocodile Tornado 
Boundary Law: Four Cardinal Laws (Rider Slash, Shoot, Thrust, and Kick)
Zone T3: Sunken Battlefield 
Eternal T3: Eternal Lacrimosa (Eternal Tears), Never Ending Avici (Rider shoot when using EternalBit)

Know gaia memories in Noel Hand:
Crocodile Gaia memory: Type body-Soul, a saltwater and freshwater memory, and know as the snapper combo
And Glove Gaia memory: The "True" Boxer gaia memory, also know as the boxer combo, when combine with Crocodile, it becomes masquerade 
Skull Spider Gaia memory: Base on the memories of Kamen Rider skull and Spider dopant, Not only that it deals a touch of death but he has far better control, hence he uses limiters that prevents innocents to explodes whenever they touches him
Maximum Drive/Finisher:
Crocodile + Glove: Counter Drive : Saltwater Crunch
Skull Spider Gaia Memory: Skull Retribution *Rider Kick that is very similar to Kamen Rider Joker Extreme Joker but this time, it's more of a spiral kick*.

T3 Dopants:

Pursuit Dopant (Episode 1-2)

Dream Dopant (episode 3-4)

Viral Dopant (Episode 5-6)

Mystery Dopant (Episode 7-8)

Dance Dopant (Episode 9-10)

Traffic Dopant (Episode 11-12)

Shine Dopant (Episode 13-14)

Lightning Dopant (Episode 15-16)

Snakefly dopant (Episode 17-18)

Cyclone Dopant T3 (episode 19-20)

Luna Dopant T3 (Episode 21-22)

Heat Dopant T3 (Episode 23-24)

Metal Dopant T3 (Episode 25-26)

Game Dopant (Episode 27-28)

Reaper Dopant (Episode 29-30)

Lost Dopant (Episode 31-32)

chimera dopant (Episode 33-34)

Eye Dopant (Episode 35-36)

Sense Dopant (Episode 37-38)

Psyche Dopant (Episode 39-40)

Utopia Dopant T3 (Episode 41-44)

Heavy dopant (chronologically, it was suppose to appear in episode 42-43 to reveal the truth about D-X-D but got killed off)

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