Squad 77 (Bleach, OC)

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Main Leader: Amagi Kisume (Zanpakuto : Flowery blossom *Somehow a tanto with flowery hilt and a blade said to cut leaves, Shikai name: Bloodflower *Which resembles a naginata and the blade is attached with a strong spirit cord*,  bankai name: eternal blossom *A giant warfan with many sharp bladed points, eternal blossom can create flower shields*. The spirit residing in the zanpakuto is sakuya no konoha).
She is from the alternate universe where flowers blooms everyday, in fact she is not a shinigami nor a fullbringer, but instead, a human with special capabilities of using reiatsu and reinshi. in fact her Reiatsu color is cherry pink

group members (2)

Utsuragi Kaigaku (New user of the Primero / Coyote starrk arrancar powers and a hollow-arrancar *Rather than a human, though likely he retain his wolf skull-like head*, though this time, it's sealed in a zanpakuto : Night wolves *lobos de la noche*. it has two stages of resurrecion, first stage: night wolves pack *Paquete de lobos nocturnos*, and second stage: Pecados a la luz de la luna or Moonlight sins. the second stage gives him a cero/reiatsu infused sniper rifle *Timeless/Eterno* and he has gain a more formiddable form with cerberus like motif *Three heads, two on shoulders and one on the back*, and hollow mirrors)
Utsuragi came from the alternate universe where at the post thousand years blood war, the new espada is established under nelliel leadership, in fact the powers of the remaining espada is used in creating new ones, and utsuragi was the first. Utsuragi Reiatsu color invokes lightning blue with shades of dark blue

Retribution (A unique hollow and a  vasto lorde, in life, he is in fact a quincy who had a human name : Karis but died from a unidentified illness, Reborn as a hollow and hunt many more till his evolution as vasto lorde, he joined Amagi kisume to act as her bodyguard, due to his unique Circumstance on his death, he can still use his reiatsu and quincy powers and he called it "Hueco de la noche santa" / "Hollow of the holy night", his vasto lorde form is a hulking and bodybuilder like hollow with the skin color being darker blue and mask looks like a fusion of three sacred animals *bull, sheep, and hawk, hawk like beak, bull eyes, and sheep horns*. his volstandig is somehow in full english, Revenant Wail *Which the volstandig takes form of a armor of reiatsu energy and the wings in question resembles warding circles and his halo is a cross. His reiatsu color seems to be a mix of bright blue but with dark red, black, and white )
Retribution came from the alternate timeline where hollows won their first war, allowing them to live freely in any place.

beyond Forms 

Amagi Kisume - Perfect cherry blossoms saigyouji (Turning her hair bright pink with magenta, and she dons a kimono with spirit fans behind her)

Utsuragi Kaigaku - manada de los cien lobos (Hundred wolf pack) (Utsuragi soon becomes a many-headed cerberus and wields a giant cero railgun - Saint Magellan )

Retribution - Retribución debilitada (Enfeeble Retribution) (Now he becomes a true vasto lorde and still keeping his volstandig, the armor becomes heavier and bulkier, losing it's speed but grants flight to compensate it)

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