Digimon Den-O : Frontiers

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Momotaros, Kintaros, Urataros, and Ryutaros are in the Denliner And while the four are talking, Sieg arrives to tell some bad news. the Denliner is experiencing a digital transformation, and this causes ryutaros to go bonkers. 

and after the digital transformation, they arrived at somewhere, the station is there and trailmon sees a denliner, as the imagin gets out of the train, they realized that they're in the digimon world, specifically frontiers. Momotaros soon sees a rider ticket and it reads 
"2002-2003". realizing that they travelled to a another universe, hence sieg telling them. it's time for them to jump into a new climax!

New Spirit of Fire : Momotaros / Kamen Rider Den-O Sword Form
Digivice: D-Tector (Type Sword)
Spirit Evolution: Agunimon / BurningGreymon / Aldamon / ClimaxGreymon *Replacement of susanoomon*

New Spirit of Water : Urataros / Kamen Rider Den-O Rod Form
Digivice: D-Tector (Type Rod)
Spirit Evolution: Kompiramon *Human Spirit evolution of water, resembles a fisher man with samurai armor* / Genbumon *Ebonwumon alternate form by water* / Kuzenbomon *Fusion of fisherman and kappa* / ClimaxZudomon 

New Spirit of Lightning : Kintaros / Kamen Rider Den-O Axe form
Digivice: D-Tector (type Axe)
Spirit evolution: Beetlemon / MetalKabuterimon / RhinoKabuterimon / ClimaxKabuterimon 

New Spirit of Darkness : Ryutaros / Kamen Rider Den-O Gun Form
Digivice: D-Tector (Type gun)
Spirit Evolution: Loweemon / JagerLoweemon / Rhihimon / ClimaxBeelzemon 

New Spirit of Light: Sieg / Kamen Rider Den-O Wing Form
Digivice : D-Tector (Type Wing)
Spirit Evolution: Lobomon / KendoGarurumon / BeoWolfmon / ClimaxGarurumon *Replacement of MagnaGarurumon*

The Transcendent forms of the imagin digimon has the "Climax" affixes. this is in reference to Den-O climax form. along it with that the new spirits means a upgrade.

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