Twilight of the Eclipse (Bayonetta)

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Also know as the what if DLC 1

Within New York, Loki, the reborn aesir and now fully in teen notice the tides of destiny has turned against them, Loki plays one of the cards and notice that one of the cards he drew was the singularity : Definition, though since this is the true timeline *Bayonetta 1-2*, Much time has passed and balder return?! But without the aesir corruption, possibly due to loki assuming his role as the new god of chaos. During that moment in time, Bayonetta/Cereza sees the activities of angels and demons dropped drastically and saw flying futuristic ships filled with green fluid
"Looks like my summers has to be put in hold" Bayonetta said to herself and everyone in new york screamed in terror, while the homunculi forces starts it's invasion, Bayonetta of course decides that she need to change of clothes, so she draws the umbran witch symbol and jumps in, soon her clothes burned away and replaced with her usual attire from bayonetta 2. She uses Love is blue and rakshasa, and during the fight, Singularity original appears to kill the true timeline bayonetta but. It failed?! Because of Bayonetta having the left eye of the world, the original singularity fled out of sheer terror it holds. Thus leaving a portal to the alternate  verse.
Bayonetta enters in and along with her, is Loki who decide to change the course of destiny.
Balder joins in late but it's better than ever as fortitudo, Iustitia, Sapientitia, and Temperantia follows him, but act as protectors


Hellfire Sodom *Gomorrah*: A Spear-like weapon infused with demonic salt and fire

Dual Trainsaber thomas *Wartrain guon* : pair of chainsaw-style trains that can be set as feet or hands

Charybdis *Kraken* : Giant anchors with harpoon like points, hands only

Puppet effigies *umbran clock tower* : A straw doll with puppet strings, can be set as feet or hands

Sonar Dragon bat dagger *Mictlantecuhtli*: A Dagger that is oddly familiar to a certain hero, can be used as a flute or a dagger weapon, hands only

Cavalier inferno * Phantasmarae*: a Motorbike with flaming wheels and magma exhaust pipes, can be set as feet or hands

Alto-Volt *Labolas*: A Blade-Whip with serrated demonic edges, can be set as either feet or hands

Diva Desdemona *Baal*: A Microphone that baal zebul used to sing. Hand only

Nefertiti *Malphas*: Twin feather fans with deadlier edge. Hand only

Hephaestion *Diomedes*: A greatsword that is similar to the horn of diomedes, Hand only

Hydra Lerna *Hydra* : A whip with the serrated edges and a sharp tip at the end of the whip, Feet only

Loki weapons are tarot cards and playing the roulette of fate

Balder weapons is his holy glaive but also wields B and R *Balder and Rosa* - pair of twin flintlock pistols that is supposedly gifted by a unknown blacksmith, bullets are infused in holy arts. He can also use sin ritual but instead it's called holy/virtue ritual. Only requiring three set of pinions/feathers and a chosen auditio, also he is accompanied by different hierarchies of laguna in his stead.

Fortitudo : King Fortitude the Heavenly Lord, Three headed dragon that spew a fusion of fire/ice/lightning. Looks like king ghidorah but heavenly and kingly

Temperatia : Asura Temperance, the many faced storm, A asura of sorts with it's many arms and faces, it's expression changes and applies to the storm

Iustitia : Monarch Justice the Winged Being, Now becoming a winged holy butterfly with rockets also poisonous spores.

Sapientitia: Megalodon Prudence, The Guardian of the sea, A angelic shark like behemoth with wings of course! Now capable of firing angelic warheads

Viola on the other hand stumbled upon true bayonetta timeline but in a B1 event due to singularity reappearance, this time however, the faerie magic is weak here due to the angels of paradiso, without a doubt, Viola got herself some cool but awesome demons

Mad Hatter: A Demon/Faerie hybrid that takes form of a hat and upon revealing it's true form as a wolf

Red Queen: A Powerful Faerie queen who utilizes her spears, card soldiers, and the powerful fae magic

Liddell/Kingsleigh: Dual As one, One carries a cane-staff and other is the signature vorpal blade, resembling a twin magical girls with different appearance, Kingsleigh is blonde with white spots and liddell  is black with red spots

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