What if warframes: Krampus

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"The vengeful, the monstrous, the hungering one, Krampus walks upon the earth and planets alike during christmas eve, those who commit the naughty shall be punished and the nice unpunished, but, during times of war, Krampus reveals his true intention and deliberately kills those who hurt the Children, Tenno? Are you willing to control the black beast of christmas?" - Lotus
Appearance: Resembles a muscular warframe with a hulk out upper pecs and broad shoulders, it has two set of horns that kinda looks similar to white irish goats with golden bells hoops tightened on the horns, his Helmet forms the Goat like skull with it's eyes being six with black like lines on the helmet side, his legs are animal-like, kinda similar to oberon but with the feet being that of goats itself, his only clothing was a opened santa clause like coat, and a black giant sack. His color is black, white, and gray

Passive : Krampus has the Black Night, Which increases every time someone or krampus himself kills an enemy, when black night is full, Krampus will unleash his rage and kills everything in sight, unlike valkyr, his heavy attacks causes ragdoll to the enemy, however, if he does kill a enemy, Krampus will throw them into his black giant sack and gains bonus attributes or buff's

1st Ability: Stinging birch - Krampus soon creates two black like rods and slaps his enemies up close or on the back, this deals corrosive and slash, and it deals 30% damage and leaves enemies stinging in pain

2nd Ability : Hallow Terror - Krampus soon lets out a terrifying war cry that causes enemies to fear and run away in a 150 meters, while also gaining radiation debuff that can be stack

3rd ability : Black Blizzard - Krampus soon slams down his sack and release black clouds, enemies who got caught by the area of effect will have deliberate side effects, whether be corrosive, Viral, Burn, Blast, or even magnetic and radiation, it's random by effect around 30%, and deals Frost medium damage

4th Ability: Krampusnacht - Krampus soon lets out his rage and gains exalted weapons in a form of claws (Claws of Krampus - Chainsaw-like claws and it's modifiable with mods), it's stance is unique, resembling a ferocious beast with jump slashes or a powerful claw strike, Krampusnacht has unique commands, double press 4 will cause Krampus to charge forward to the enemy and rip them apart and if left alive, it will have a proc of impact, pierce, and slash. holding 4 will cause Krampus to held onto the floor and spins around with projecting energy chainsaws appearing, enemies who got caught in the attack will deal heavy damage with slash proc with elemental affinities base on mods)

Augment mods:

Nettle Torture - Stinging birch : replaces rods with nettle like leaves, while it loses it's slash, it's replaced with heat and frost procs *burn and frozen*

Terrifying Roar - Hallow Terror:  This is a combination of Nekros Terrify and Rhino Roar, deals piercing damage + reduce armor, also marks enemies with a skull and bones above their heads, enemies killed by krampus will have the warframe gain bonus armor and a overshield as bonus

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