The Runaways

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*Mabel's POV*

We've been standing on the line for an hour now. I understand we first went to my place to get the credentials of my passport and all of that but we didn't spend long there.

I packed up a few clothes and the girls did same too.

The airport is a bit crowded. I hope no one recognizes us here. Ava and Aria are so busy with their phones. They have no idea what I'm bothered about.

Okay, I understand that what I did was so unfair but I had to do it because I had no other choice and it was the right option for me to choose.

Justin had already found out who the biological mother of the twins is.

I can't hide my real identity anymore. I'll feel so ashamed of myself if I look into his beautiful eyes one more time.

I am taking them away. When we get to Washington, we'll lounge in a hotel and then I'll find Bernard and tell him everything that happened.

I need a settled life.

To hell with this secret shit!

I've had enough of keeping it for fifteen years.

I knew this was gonna come out someday. Only heaven knows who told Justin about the truth.

As far as I can remember, I never shared a thing about this with him.

I never told him who I really was. I listened to him saying how much he's eager to know who Ava and Aria's mom is.

But I kept shut. Because....I was afraid.

I am afraid of losing my daughters. I've lost them once and I don't want to lose them again.

I never thought having kids and running away from them would never change anything but bring destruction in one's life.

My life has not been settled for years now because I knew what I did in the past.

I knew I can't run from my blood.

Believe it or not, I tried but it didn't work out for me. I have a son on one hand and two daughters on the other. But we weren't so close.

And now that we are.....

I won't dare to spare them away.

I'm taking my daughters and we're leaving this country. I don't even think we'll ever return back here.

Although, I'll miss Justin and his kind heart. I'll also miss seeing Mia again.

We still may...on a video call, only.

I know by now, Justin must be done with his meeting and might start coming looking for his daughters. Our daughters.

But it's too late.

I've already made my decision and there's no going back.

I turned off my new phone. He must have been trying pretty hard to reach me.

The only person I told about my disappearance is my best friend, Mia.

I trust her not to tell anyone about my plan.


I was rummaging my purse for my passport and visa when Ava poked me from behind.

"Mom, it's your turn." She told me.

I nodded as I step forward, still searching inside my purse. "Yeah, I know. I just have to get the credentials out."

"I'll help you." Aria stepped closer to help me with my necessaries but just then, our attention drew away from my purse when we heard Ava screaming.

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