Dumbass girl

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Dinner is set on the table, all thanks to I, grandma and the couple of employees in the mansion who helped in making this delicious delicacies with our magic hands.

Baked/grilled/fried chicken and tacos/fajitas are well garnished into various medium dinner pots and flasks placed right on the centre table.

I can smell them nice, coming out from the steams.

Four big jars of different juice are placed beside them. Well chilled and refrigerated.

I held the edge of the table, shut my eyes as I inhaled every smoke of the steams into my nostrils.

This is life, baby.

The sound of the nearest door... I think the kitchen? Just got shut by an anonymous person.......I don't think so...

Aunt jin-joo strolled out, sweetly.

She looks so gorgeous in a Tops 'n' Shorts Sets pajamas. I admire her from where I'm standing. My boss is so lucky to have such a beautiful Korean woman as his wife.

Now this made me stop wondering why Princeton doesn't have the appearance of a westerner just like his father an American. He is not like his father in ethnicity but he sure has the appearance and outlook of his mother a Korean.

Aunt jin-joo just walked out of the kitchen area with cutleries in her hands. Is she supposed to do that? Haven't the cook placed them in the dining-

Oh sh*t!

I almost forgot! I am part of the cooks in this great mansion. I helped the employees earlier but forgot to add the spoons, forks and table knives.

I rushed to meet Aunt jin-joo, I'm so sorry, Aunt. I mouthed to her. Though she won't understand my mouth sign language.

I'm not in the mood of that right now, I slouched to take the cutleries from her.

She only smiled and patted my head, sweetly. "Orianna my dear."

Aww! I'm I blushing?

Dramatic, Orianna. Focus.

I helped Aunt pull out the dining chair, she smile at me as she takes her seat.

Anything else? I mouthed again.

"My husband will be downstairs in five. My son will be joining us shortly too. You can join us too." I think she understood my-WHAT. THE. HELL?

Did aunt just asked me to join the dining room for dinner?

I normally had square meals with Grandma and not with grandmasters.

Maybe it's just my instincts that making up a conversation between myself. I didn't hear her clearly. I smiled and was ready to take my leave until...

"Orianna?" I heard my name from the same familiar voice that I do thought was my instincts.

I stopped, eyes bugged. I turned over, Yes ma'am?

"Join us for dinner." She paused and added, "Please."

Oh yeah, that's the magic word, baby.

I cupped my lips in, nervously and slowly shook my head as my hands reached for a seat close to me.

I was helping Aunt serve the dishes while she was serving the juice when the boss entered the dining room. Him too is on Tops 'n' Shorts Sets pajamas.

Family of PJ masks. Me and my childish assumptions.

Uh.....h I don't think my assumptions are childish anymore, I can see Princeton also on the same Tops 'n' Shorts Sets pajamas but a very different color. Unlike Aunt's and my boss's.

Mad Love (I'm Anti-romantic) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now