Voiceless, tired, downcasted.

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** MABEL'S P.O.V. **

"That was everything that happened." I lowered my head, tears dripping down my eyes. "I'm so sorry, please understand."

Sound of more persons shedding tears and weeping loudly answered me.

My lost and found daughters are weeping bitterly, and my bestie, Mia.

Though Mia is aware about all of these all these while. I know it's not easy for her to hold back her emotion after sharing the story for the second time.

"Was that it?" Ava managed to asked from her emotional state.

I could only shook my head, that's the only thing I can do at the moment. Speaking some more or further explanation is now difficult for me to do. I'm break down.

"Grandma made you pass through all of these?" Aria added. "You made a sacrificial help for grandma and she decides to punish us by taking us away from you? What for?"

Aria yelled on her last sentence, what for? 

Now I have a feeling that hatred is deporting into their hearts. I shook my head vigorously, "No dear." I don't want them to generate some hatred for the cruel but yet nice woman who had been caring for them all these years.

Ava still in a bitter state, stood up from where she was seated beside me, and now, she's walking towards a random direction in the room, wiping and sniffing her nose. "I need to catch some fresh air. I need it."

I believe if I had had some good furnitures, she'd had broken it already. Maybe something like that would have soothe her. She's in the state of breaking things. I watched her eyes travelled everywhere.

Nothing's available, kid.

Aria slowly slid from her sitting position beside me, and now seated on the cold floor. I can't help but sob louder along with her.

Ava kept punching the walls with her fists like it was her long time haunted enemy. And that made me sob even more than I've already did.

Aria is the only person close to me right now, I can't help but pull her into my embrace.

I hugged my daughter tightly, reaching my other arm towards Ava for a total complete hug.

She stood there, taking a moment to contemplate. I witness every drop of tears escaping her eyes as I locked mine in hers. I'm so sorry, sweetheart. Deeply sorry. Please forgive me and come to momma. Those are the words I could mouth to her.

She understood immediately and ran to hug me. I tightened my grip around her and her sister. I kissed the top of their heads.

"My long time twins. My lost and found twins. My blood and flesh. Part of me. Please forgive me." I wept.

Mia who isn't a victim of my circumstance. She's not the one hurt here but I wonder if she has put herself under my shoes, because right now, she's weeping and sobbing bitterly, now I can see reasons why her husband don't take her out for the movies.

She's so oblivious and emotional than me.

**** Moments after. ****

Things are becoming clear now, gradually by gradually. I could only see cute smiles on my daughters faces. In spite the tears and all of that, I witnessed a brighter look in them.

I hope they'll begin to get use to me, I, myself, I don't need guidelines or handout on how to understand my kids.

Mia has finished my wipes and tissues with her tears so far. I guess there's no more water to shed in her tears gland. Just saying. Mia sympathize with me, even though she can be very emotional. She stood there for me to show concern.

Mad Love (I'm Anti-romantic) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now