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Mia stepped into the house. She has her own key. Given to her by me.

At that very moment, unknowing to her, the girls were indoors. The door was never locked, though her key in the keyhole gave her the proof.

She tiptoed after hearing weird noises coming from the room upstairs.

She walked her way carefully to the couch with the shopping bags in her arms.

Too heavy from the way she was holding them still.

The girls are coming downstairs, gisting and chuckling and they discuss about something.

Mia stood with a great frown right on her face. Her both hands settled on her waist. "Who the hell gave you two the permission to break into someone else's home?"

Hmm, her words are harsh!

Ava and Aria weren't surprised anyway. This wasn't her hope either, so what the hell is she doing in another person's apartment when she currently has hers?

The identical twins mocked and sneered at her. They never replied to that, infact, they made their way towards the refrigerator for a glass of juice.

This made Mia's face turn red. Spiritually, one could see steams coming out of her nostrils.


"Not only are you girls buglers and bandits but also disrespectful." She snapped at them. If only she could walk up to them and visit them with a hot dirty slap.

Mia gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tightly. "I told Mabel, these girls are up to something." She mumbled underneath her breath. "How on earth did they got in? Did Mabel gave them keys?"

She questioned herself. Mia could see properly that there are no linkage in the apartment. Nor is the roof broken, then how did they got in?

If she can fully remember, she saw them leaving the house this morning. Mabel was the last to leave, including her.

Speaking of me, I walked into the apartment.

A cool silent greatest me, welcome ma'am.

I saw Ava and Aria drinking juice at the dinning room. As soon as they saw me, they ran towards me to help me with the bags.

That wasn't what I was concerned about. I was in the middle of confusion with my brain and unanswerable questions.

How did they unlock the door and- "Oh..." I gasped, Ava and Aria are both putting on my t-shirt.

I mean to say, baggy gowns which covered them to all body parts. From up to toes.

They had to tie the tip so they won't accidentally step on it and end up falling helplessly.

The dress is a original oversize.

I battled hard to hold back the foolish laughter coming up already. A pop of it in my cheek, inside my mouth like I'm making bubbles in my mouth.

I covered my mouth and put on a neutral expression. "How did you guys got in? I thought-"

"Good question, Mabel." Mia cut me off, her narrow eyes not leaving the girls sight. "You need to see how disrespectful they are. They shut me up when I first asked."

I looked at Ava and Aria, they're already putting on a cute sad face filled with pity. Like a lost kitty.

I have no other option. It's been a hard working day for me today. I haven't eaten anything since morning.

Mad Love (I'm Anti-romantic) Book 3Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum