Thanks, Winston.

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**** STACEY'S P.O.V. ****

My twin brother, Tyler, can't stop staring back and front of the brand new iPhone 14, "Seriously, you haven't told me who gave you such an expensive present."

I bit my lower lip and gulped. Still don't know what to say? Should I tell him it was from my bestie's brother? If I do, how would he react?

Smash the phone on the ground? I know my brother only wants the best and natural security for me. He bought the former phone I was using before Winston came to break it, accidentally because he seeks my phone number.

"Hey, stop doing that, I'm not your boyfriend but your brother, okay?" He caught me bitting my lips, nervously.

I freed my lips.

I've been having rest of mind since he spend the night with his girlfriend, Camila. Why did he have to come back? Now I'm standing with questions revolving round my head, patiently waiting for answers.

Nothing came out of my mouth for my defense. I kept quiet there, not saying a word. He waved the phone across my face, and nod for me to answer.

How do I explain this? I hope Britney as well don't come to find out. I thought I could hide this from my brother. I never knew when he stepped into my room and met the phone on my bed.

"Someone got it for me." I pronounce.

Tyler's brows lifted in amusement and curiousness, "May I know who it might be?"

I didn't talk.

"Male or female?" He asked.

"Male." I answered, eyes looking somewhere else.

He smirk and scoffed. He stared down at the phone again and then at me. "An expensive boyfriend, I guess."

I glare at him, my brows furrowed, "Winston is not my boyfriend."


Did I just disclosed his name? God-damn, what's up with me? Why is my mouth not so easy for me to control at times?

Tyler placed the phone on the table and crossed his strong arms across his chest, his gaze at me is still amusing.

I guess he's finding this interesting.

I cleared my throat quickly, and began to scratch the back of my head, "I mean, Winston is not my boyfriend. He umm.... He broke my phone few days ago and-"

"Got you an expensive new one." Tyler helped me to complete my statements. "Isn't it?" He began walking towards the window.

The window has been shut since morning, he helped open it and parted the curtains.

"Stacey, this is iPhone 14." He turned around to face me and continued, "This year's 2022 brand new device's model." He picked it up again, "If a guy can get you such an expensive device, then I wonder what kinda car he should be driving in college. Talk much of the house he lives in."

He lives in a mansion in L.A, Tyler. A very big mansion. And a luxury duplex here in Washington. I've been to his place twice, I can testify how good looking a place could look just like paradise itself.

The very first day I stepped foot into Britney's place, I thought I was dead and now in paradise with my bestie. It was heaven on earth, Tyler. And it still is. Now I wonder how his place in L.A will seem like.

Though we aren't from this state but Netherlands. I hope I'd see his mansion in a revelation and not a delusional dream.

"How long have you known this Winston guy?" Tyler asked me.

I woke up from my almost deep daze. "Few days?"

"And he got you-" Tyler waved the phone again, "This?"

I nodded.

He shrugged, his lips curled downwards like he was contemplating with something while turning the phone back and front, "Well, whoever this guy is, I hope he doesn't play rough with my sister. He better know his tracks and how to follow them."

He looks at me, "I won't watch another guy break your heart for the seventh time."

Tyler has always been there for me. Though he doesn't have the power to fight other guys but when it comes to my matter, he'd want to waste his last blood for my sake.

I cried on his shoulder all those times I got hurt and heartbroken from my past relationships.

He's just being cautious of me not falling a fool for these selfish guys of nowadays.

What do they want? Is it sex?

I've given it to all my exes yet, none value nor appreciate me for the favor. I never realize they wanted me for the sex and not for mutual love until when the break up happens.

I learnt my lessons after six guys and vowed to be watchful and vigilant for the next player.

"It's nice, you can keep it." Tyler handed the phone to me. "I'd love to see him in person. He needs some appreciation after breaking the itel A16 I gave to you." Tyler winked at me and went straight to his bedroom.

Flutter waves struck me. I blushed and pressed the phone against my chest.

It surely feels great to be part of the iPhone users. I'm being kicked out of android devices and now promotion has flew me far to the land of iOS. What a privilege.

Thanks, Winston.

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