Well packaged.

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*Britney's POV*

As soon as the bus stopped, I carefully hopped out, adjusting my new Satchel bag over my shoulder.

The bus drove off while I stood patiently waiting for the highway to be clear before crossing to the other side.

The sun is very hot but I can't feel it over my head because of the thick baseball cap I wore.

I parked my car at a private garage. Definitely secured by some security men whom I had paid before boarding a bus.

From my appearance, I can't tell if I'm the same Britney that left home for school this morning.

The red uniform t-shirt, red baseball cap, blue denim skinny jean and brown Satchel bag to match that's all on me, made me look like a postman.

On a mission to deliver some message.

Hilarious me.

I do have mocked myself but that's not in my spirit right now.

Currently, as at now, I'm finding it hard to move an inch from where I'm standing. I've taken deep breaths like for several times now as if I'm on a mission I'm not too sure of returning back.

Three days ago after I left Bernard's place... though the whole drama was not looking nice at all, so I left, giving Bernard a chance to clear his hard time thing away.

Immediately I left his place, I had a plan. He was on a day off on that day and I took advantage of it by sneaking into his place of work to submit my application letter.

He has not been giving me attention, lately. And that thought is killing me.

I don't even know what has come over me by the way.

Everything in my world seems crashing down without him in it.

On a norm, my mom with her Asia tradition do always lecture I and my sister, Whitney about relationships and traditions.

She do said something that I do wanna get over with.

It's the obligation of a man to go after a woman and not the other way round.

With this, I believe my dad chased after my mom and not my mom chasing after my dad like catty and the chase.

Island love..... Passionately interesting.

If it's so at her time, then that is hers not mine.

Like seriously, this is my life. I choose who I want and what my heart yearns for, I aim for it.

Bernard has been 180 degrees part of my life already, and that's too hard for me to explain how and when.

I find it too hard to study without him. Or do anything without him. My aura has been gray every since he struck me with the hard time attitude.

To make things easier, I hid the shame and foolishness of myself and gathered all courage and confidence to tell him my feelings. But he rebuked me.

This is the reason why I took advantage of the whole scenario which he had displayed on me.

I never expected that the MD of the Petro station was in need of workers, urgently. He asked me to resume work the very day I submitted my application letter. Even without interviews.

I wonder if he knew me too well. Like this is a Petro and gas station. Where money runs like stream of water.

Anything can easily happen. An ungrateful idiot without a guarantor could easily runaway with the money.

Mad Love (I'm Anti-romantic) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now