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*Third person POV*

Meanwhile, a group of guys were seated patiently in the blue Honda HR-V.

Both Nicholas and Princeton are seated at the back whilst Kingston sat at the driver's side.

Kingston with a huge scowl on his face, glanced down at his wristwatch and started tapping his fingers simultaneously on the steering wheel.

"Does it take the whole year before walking out of the building?" He complained. "He could just throw down a rope and ask us to give him some helping hand.

Princeton chuckled as he scrolls over his phone.

"Dude, cut it out with the murmurs." Nicholas retaliated. "He'll be down here with us in no time."

"I thought he said he wanted to take us somewhere." Princeton stated before taking his head up from his phone.

Kingston nodded his head and was about to say something but just then, someone on black hoodie came knocking on the door.

All three guys scrunched their brows as Kingston porch a button and the window scrolled down.

The window is tinted. Only those inside the car are capable of seeing whatever goes outside.

"Dude, what took you almost the whole day before getting out?" Nicholas snapped.

Alex ignored him as he pulled the passenger's door open and shrove in.

He took his hoodie's cover off his head and leant his back against the softness of the seat.

He took a deep breath and tilted his head towards the others after realizing it's obviously two minutes since he got into the car and they haven't said a word nor start the engine.

He frowned, "What's up?"

"What's up with the black eye, man?" Kingston asked him.

Alex rubbed his eyes, "Ouch." He just remembered how it got there. He shrugged and shook his head. "Start the engine, let's go."

"After waiting outside your dorm for minutes, you arrived down with a black eye and still don't want to share it with us?" Princeton provoked.

Alex sighed, turning his head towards the back seat, he asked, "Dude, is it your black eye? Isn't it mine?"

Princeton raised an eyebrow and mouthed 'Really'?

Nicholas tucked his phone into his pocket and said, "Is this the reason why you've been ghosting us all these while?"

Alex rolled his eyes and turned towards his front.

But when Nicholas came up with the question again, he snapped even before he could finish his question.

The three guys startled a bit. They've never witnessed this part of Alex before.

Kingston exhaled as he starts the engine.

When they got into traffic, Kingston pulled down slowly on the brakes and leaned back, staring at his friend Alex.

Alex finally realized how much he was pissed at his friends. He tried to soothe himself.

"Okay listen," He began, turning a bit towards their direction. "I freaked out not because of you guys but because of the guy that did this...." He pointed at his face. "To me."

Princeton crossed his arms and raised his brows surprisedly as he lean his back on his seat. "Seriously? A guy like you did this to you?"

"Who the fuck is he?" Kingston frowned.

Mad Love (I'm Anti-romantic) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now