A symbol of Stacey

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*Stacey's POV*

We breath heavily like we just did a decathlon.

Sweats covering all over our body. What a mix of droplets on us. The window is opened yet it felt like there's no air chiming in.

I faced the ceiling, so did he.

I blushed. Ask me how? I don't know.

We just did something and I feel a little less guilty about it. Does it matter right now?

Well, whatever.

I snuggled closer to him. Placing my hand on his wet, bare chest. We both surely need to shower.

Did we dive into a swimming pool?

I covered our wet naked bodies with the duvet cover.

He smiled down at me and kissed my forehead.

I blushed and snuggled closer. 

His arm hover around me as I place my head on his wet bare chest.

My fingers kept drawing circles simultaneously on his bare chest and torso.

It's actually obvious that Winston and I just had a pleasurable sex.

"I'm scared." I sighed.

He frowned, stroking his fingers in my hair. "About what?"

I look up at him, "About us. We're happening, Winston. Can't you see?"

He exhaled sharply and turned properly to face me. His hand left my hair and took my chin. "Listen to me, darling. There's nothing to be scared about. Britney is my younger sister–"

"And that's the more reason why I should be afraid." I quickly stated.

His hand left my chin as he rolled his eyes.

"If Britney comes to find out about us–about our relationship, trust me, she'll freak out." I said. "And I don't want to lose my best friend."

"So? What are we gonna do?" He raised his brows. "End this?" He sighed and held my chin in his palm. "Stacey, you know how difficult it'll be for me to live without you."

I held his hand which glue to my chin. "Of course I do. With these few days I've known you, I don't want to be far away from you either."

It's just been a week since Winston walked into my life with the phone gift after he broke my old phone. I found him nice and interesting to be with.

Everything Britney had told me concerning him was never seen in him at all. I believe Britney mistook his behaviors from her other brothers.

Yeah, I know how flirty Winston is. I remember how he flirted with couple of girls in my freshman's year, last year.

We both have seen on random basics before but we didn't see this relationship about us coming.

I understand Britney is only trying to keep me out of the victim's cue.

Couple of girls had do been used and dumped by her brothers who aren't the relationship type of person but I find myself chosing him. Even though I fall later on that category, I don't care and I don't wanna care bout it.

All I see right now is a future with Winston Flynn.

"How sure are you gonna prove that you won't abandon me just like you did to the other girls you've been with?" I asked. I wanna know just to be sure his words tally with the positive ones I have in mind.

He wiped his face and exhaled. "You're right." His tone is low and deep. "All I want to do is prove to you that I'm a changed person for the better."

"That doesn't explains it more, Winston." I said. Looking into his alluring eyes. "I'm scared you might leave me someday and chase after a random girl you'll find better than me."

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