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She walked towards us. I stood, still froze. I blinked. Who am I seeing?

Jasmine Snyder? The same cruel woman with no conscience, who took my babies away from my arms, immediately after their delivery?

What is she doing here? Oh not- sh*t! This could be my only chance to grab my opportunity before it leaves me.

I could finally get a link to reach my daughters now. Through her. Jasmine Snyder.

She's putting on a pair of skinny blue denim jeans, a white body hug turtle neck top, a pair of white stilettos and a white purse to match.

Her hair is packed into a ponytail. A strand of hair left behind to bring out the glowing beauty of her hairstyle.

She didn't change, not even a bit. Her body stature is still the same just as I have last seen her in the past sixteen to fifteen years when she came to ask for my helping hand.

She had a very sharp and bright make-up on. A pepper red lipstick greeting me from her lips. Her mole at the upper side of her lip, was more to bring out her facial beauty.

She didn't look older than thirty.

If we were both standing so close to each other like we were gonna have selfie, which I knew won't happen in this planet for us, people do have said, I was to be her mother.

She was so young and beautiful yet cruel and egoistical. I never appreciated her anyway.

A smirk appeared right on the side of her lips as she stopped right in front of us.

Maybe she didn't recognize me anymore, but I do.

Speaking of recognition, well, not until I heard my name from this woman's mouth, "Long time no see, Mabel Hernandez."

Did she just pronounced my name alongside with my surname? But I thought she didn't recognize me.

Well, not my fault. It's been fifteen years since we last saw.

The only business or connection we should have right now, is the deal concerning my son's educational bills and that of my anonymous daughters.

Mia looked at me. She might be a witness of my story but she has not seen this woman before.

Though I told her about Madame jasmine but she hasn't met her in person not until today.

I faked a weird smile. I wanted to extend my hand towards her for an handshake, but for someone like Mrs Jasmine Snyder?

I don't think she's worth my handshake or hug. She deserves a jail sentence.

I cleared my throat, "I was about to tell you the same, Mrs Snyder." I scoffed with a smirk.

I swear, I'll make you pay for your evil deeds, jasmine.

We continued staring at ourselves for seconds passed by, until one of the officer broke the silence, "So ma'am, if you don't mind, shall we?"

Oh, you mean the search? Nope!

I woke up from my slumber with bug-eye, "No, I told you before, officer, I have no idea what you're talking about. These people are not in my house. What do you take me for? Kidnapper?"

"Well, to prove yourself right, we have to check-in ourselves to see if-"

Jasmine interrupted the officer, "It's alright, officer." She took her eyes up to me and said, "Since she rebuked you from searching her apartment, then it's her business."

Really? Hope it's not what I'm thinking? I bet it better not be.

She turned her gaze back to the police officer, "I know my granddaughters very well. Though, I'm still desperate about their whereabouts but they'll come out from wherever they're hiding."

She spoke and one more gaze at me who already had a furrowed expression on my face. This woman is hiding something I should be curious about.

The police officer nodded and kept their jotters and iPad back to it's place.

Another one took the walkie-talkie to contact the others. In no time, the others understood because I saw them retrieving from people's apartment.

Jasmine looked at me with a clear smirk on her lips. I insinuated what might be going on in her head right now. Her eyes narrowed at me like I was her worst nightmare.

Hope no one saw me in their dreams last night?

The police officers left but she didn't. Infact she was the last to leave. But before then, I'd never forget the word she said, "I'm not a fool, Mabel. We had an agreement. Better stick to it if you know you love your son very much."

What?! Is she using my only hope, Bernard, to threaten me?

She left me with fear covering my heart and Aura.

Mad Love (I'm Anti-romantic) Book 3Where stories live. Discover now