A thing.

1 0 0

These guys are not far step away from his handsomeness. Infact, they have his almost same appearance.

I believe they must be his brothers.

But what about the three girls seated beside them?

They're occupying a medium size table with chairs around it. Drinks and snacks are smiling on the table.

In my mind right now, I'm having a mental note that I'm the female Merlin. No one can see me yet while I do my crazy mind calculation.

I'm processing something here.

Grandma told me Aunt jin-joo and Uncle Seb only had five kids which I remember her saying quintuplets. But right now, I can see six (6) including Princeton.

Excluding me... What am I even saying? I don't belong in the Flynn's family.

Still standing abroad from them. My big backpack has been taken to only God knows where by the.....

Wait a sec... Let me process something here.

Who. The. F*CK. Took. My. Backpack?

If only someone could hear me mouth that out.

Ugh... Such is life. When there is life, there's sure a hope. My backpack is like my soul already.

I proudly remember how I pressed it against myself whilst in the car like some bandits were on a mission to take it from me.

I looked around..... Bye-bye backpackie. I'm sorry I can't find you. There's no way I'll go to anyone here to ask about my backpack. I'm sure even the chauffeur will laugh at me if I do.

I can't speak like normal people does.


The voices of few persons cheering and celebrating something am absentminded of, drew my attention from where I was standing sadly with head lowered before now.

I slowly lifted my head up. Still no recognition.


What am I?

A kinda ghost?

God-damn! I've been standing here for minutes and no one could even flick an eye on me?

I've took all my time to study the building's view from the outside, of a true, it is exquisite and glamorous.

Why should I say this?

Of course people like Uncle Seb who is f*cking rich...

Ahem! Sorry I had to clear my throat mentally.

Where was I?... Yeah! Gotcha! People like Uncle Seb who are renowned multi billionaires, wouldn't send their kids to live in a dungeon, right?

To start with the beautiful mansion I and grandma lived at, I should be expecting something similar for his kids before coming here.

"Who's that thing over there?"

A girl pointed her finger at me.

I'm not deaf, I heard that loud and clear. A thing?!

I fist my hands. To start with, I don't even know how to throw punches let alone slapping someone and am here acting like am supergirl.


I kept my gaze focused on the eyes staring at me like I'm sh*t.

I'm getting a weird feeling of embarrassment right now.

Mad Love (I'm Anti-romantic) Book 3Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt