Chapter 1

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“How old are you?” The man asked as I sipped on my glass of wine.

    “400 years old.” He looked at me and laughed, to which I didn't. I sipped some more and realized he was going to be the same as the others… a one night stand. I sighed and got up and went to leave but he grabbed my arm.

    “Wait, you’re mad at me for not playing into your sick fantasy? You think you are 400 years old, that is stupid and you should get some help. Now come home with-” I slapped him right across the face. He looked back at me and everyone in the building did too.

    “No, I just don’t like men like you. I hate men who only like a woman for sex and then leave them alone to fend for themselves. Goodbye, Asshole.” I grabbed my leather jacket and walked out of the restaurant. He screamed at me as I got to my car and I winked at him. I drove home, which was above the underground club I had made when I became rich for the tenth time. I sighed and poured a cup of wine and felt the buzz of another immortal. I looked behind me and saw Gavin, an immortal I had met when I was living with Darius, -another immortal- way older than me. I ran up to him and hugged him, feeling better already.

    “Gavin, what are you doing in Washington?”

    “I have been traveling for a long time and heard you were here so I decided to stop by.” I grabbed his arms and hugged him again.

    “It has been- how long- 10 years?” He nodded and looked around.

    “This is a… different place you have here,” he said and sat down, drinking the cup of wine that I had just poured. I grabbed the bottle and poured us both another cup.

    “Cheers,” I said and we took the shot. I smiled at him and he smiled at me. He always had the nicest smile. We ended up drinking all night and… we… slept together. I woke up the next morning to a splitting headache and left the bed to go make coffee. He woke up soon after and followed me down. He hugged me and I sat next to him on the stage of the club.

    “Did you ever get to meet Duncan and Connor when you were with Darius?”

    “No, but I want to- it would be a pleasure- they are all I hear of when I meet other immortals. You are lucky, Maria.” I smiled and he spun me around.

    “You dated both of them.” I laughed a devilish laugh and he looked at me with a devilish look.

    “Yeah, but it was at different times, I think it is fine. Am I disappointed in myself… yes… have I changed… no… will I ever change… I have no idea.” I sat there and had a really strong grip on the cup that it shattered in my hand. I felt a tear go down my cheek, Gavin wiping it away. I sighed and held in the rest.

    “How long has it been since you have spoken to Duncan?”

    “4 years… I accidentally ran into him when I was in Michigan. He was there to see his friend but I was there to hunt him:

1988: “Agen, what have you done? Why did you KILL him?” I kneeled down and felt no pulse in the body. I looked up at him and he put his sword to my neck. I looked over to see the police lights and he looked down at me and back to the police.

“This isn’t over,” he said and ran off. The police took one good glance at me and then chased him but to no avail. I sighed and they told me to leave after questioning. I did as they told me and knew exactly where he would go. I got on a flight to Michigan and when I got there our meeting spot was in a church that I knew very well. I looked around to see no people so I began to speak.

“Why are we meeting here? Scared?”

“I won’t be the one to do it,” I stared at him with confusion and suddenly felt the presence of Duncan. I turned around to see him and sighed.

Can There Be Only One?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora