slow dancing

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We have been on Montjuic and eaten the best paella in town in Poble Espanyol, which is like an outside museum. It shows various small villages across Spain dating back from 1929, to show how people lived and what kind of infrastructure existed. It is really fascinating, we spent several hours walking there. He hadn't been either so it was something new for him as well to experience in his new city. 

We are walking side by side, he has his hands in his pockets and I have mine crossed in front of my chest as the wind has picked up a little. He is pointing and showing me which building is what as we are walking out of the Montjuic area, passing the fountain across the Arenas Mall. 

We are about to get into a cab back to his place, where I will get off while he goes to practice, when someone shouts his name. We both turn around and see two guys and a girl about the age 15 jogging towards us. Fans I assume. They come to stand before us and ask for his picture and autograph. He gestures for me to get into the cab, while he does his meet and greet.

This is so bizarre. I don't even think about that aspect of his life. That he has fans. That's got to be cool. People appreciating the work that you put so much energy and dedication into.

When he gets into the cab, and tells the driver his adress, he sits back and looks at me. I have been watching him since he got in.

H: What?

J: Question fifty - I joke as I feel I have asked him about hundred these past days

He chuckles - "Shoot"

J: Is it weird having fans?

H: It's weird as fuck! – he lets out a relieved breath

J: I mean random people coming up to you to sign things for them or take your picture. Thats gotta be cool. 

H: I know. It is, but at the same time... It's definitely the strangest thing about this job, and the thing that scares me the most, alongside being injured.

J: Why does it scare you?- I ask confused

H: I don't know. Just that I won't live up to the whatever fantasies or imaginations they have of me. That I'll somehow disappoint them. With just being me. I mean I can always improve my skills on the court, or as a player, but I can't improve... me. I am me - he shrugs

I smile compassionately as I grow more in awe of him the more I get to know him. Of course he is concerned about if he'll be good enough for his fans. Most people wouldn't give them that much thought, if you like me thats great, if not find someone else to follow. But he is concerned about them liking him, and not just as a player, but off court as well. 

J: I dont think you have to improve anything on you - I tell him sincerely

He smiles and leans over to kiss me. And like that we are at his place. It really is a five minute cab ride. He says something to the driver and I notice him stepping out with me. I am confused which is probably seen on my face. "Is he planning to come with me?" He notices

H: He is just going to make a turn while I say a proper goodbye.

J: But we'll see each other later? – a little panicked as I am going into his apartment alone

He smiles - "Of course. I am not planning to run away and leave you hanging in my apartment" - he grabs my wrist pulling me into a hug and buries his head in my hair

H: Thank you for a great day – he whispers into my ear. I smile into his chest. He is so damn cute. We are parting for a few hours but he is so attentive.

J: Likewise

We stand there holding each other for a minute longer before we part but he is still holding me by the waist, twirling his fingers on my back. He dips his head down and our lips touch. A light kiss at first followed by a make out session right there in the middle of the street. Fans and by-passers quickly forgotten. Everything in me awakens again so I sneak my hands into his hair and pull him closer only for the split of a second before his cab honks at us. Letting us know he must go. We pull apart, breathing heavily while he leans his forehead into mine, we are both smiling

 We pull apart, breathing heavily while he leans his forehead into mine, we are both smiling

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H: See you soon baby - he kisses my forehead and gets into the cab. His words make my knees weak. He waves and smiles through the window as he drives off. 

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