morning song

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The next morning during breakfast with my family at the hotel, I receive a text

H: "Good morning! How is the head? Coffee and breakfast before leaving?"

J: "Morning! Head is all good, up since 7. Even had a swim. Already had breakfast and two coffees. But, if you have time we can take a walk?

H: "Wow 7. I am impressed. Sure. When are you leaving?"

I debate this. I am suppose to leave now to catch my planned 1PM train back to Nyc. Buuuuut... I have a change of heart :) and quickly look into timetables and land on one at 6:30 tonight. I reserve my seat and buy ticket before texting him back.

J: "6:30 tonight."

Aiden: Jo?

J: Hmm - I look up at him and suddenly notice they are all staring at me, waiting for me to answer a question I clearly didn't hear while texting

Aiden: When is your train back?

J: Ehm... change of plans actually... I am catching the one at 6:30

He raises an eyebrow and gives me an amused smile. I shake my head and give him a look "What" He shakes his head and goes back to the conversation amongst the others about who is leaving when and driving which way and I get back to my phone.

H: "Okay. I am going to work out and have breakfast, call when you're free."

I send him a thumbs up.

Last night was great, after I had taken pictures with family and mingled some more, we all danced to cool upbeat songs played by the DJ. Hero and I see each other at the dance floor, all smiles and happy but, I didnt interact anymore with him than I did anyone else there. Later we all, youngsters, sat together at a table in front drinking, laughing, joking, talking and dancing. Its a really funny crew Aiden and Soph have surrounded them with, both her and his friends. Hero and I talked and joked on few occasions and ended the evening with agreeing to see each other tomorrow before parting ways, maybe have breakfast depends who, when wakes up.

I go up to my room and take a shower, and wash my hair so I don't have to tonight when I get back to the apartment since I am now not getting in until 10PM probably.

Hero and I meet around 2PM and take a walk around the mansion. We agree that he will drive me to the train station as he is driving back to Boston so it's on his way kind of and we'll catch burgers at a diner by the station which is supposed to be really good.

We talk about last nights party, but mostly our jobs. We kinda work in the same field so it's interesting to talk about stuff that we both understand from the inside, since he is in the sports and understands the sponsors part and I understand the keeping your brand aspect as well as integrity of the sport itself. And how the social media is changing the game in our field of work forever probably.

We part with a hug and a promise to call or text and grab dinner or beer whenever one of us is in either of cities.

H: And I hold you to your promise of coming to Boston to catch a game

J: I dont remember any promises being made

H: Oh yes, after last nights water like champagne you promised

J: Ah that damn champagne

He chuckles and I smile, waving bye, wishing each other safe trips one more time and getting on the train and he walking back to his car, smiling. 

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