one man balcony

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G: Shit! Did you bring everything you own? - she says out of breath, as she puts the box down on the floor

J: Says the girl in the master bedroom

G: Haha. Touché.

I raise my eyebrows at her. Funny girl.

G: But that's the last of it – she drags the last box towards my room, but I swear its only because its on the way to the sofa, where she plops down sighing heavily for me to hear

J: For now – I joke as I pass her on my way to my small room, carrying another

It is small, but its mine. The first step to adulthood it feels. I know you are counted as an adult when you turn 18 in Norway. You get to vote, you get to drive, you attend college or university, you get to buy alcohol and get into bars and clubs. You get more freedom to be your own person. I turned 18 two months ago and didn't feel all the super change into adulthood. But, this... living on my own, and in a foreign country, a foreign city... this is what makes me feel like an adult. 

My small room is painted in dark blue walls, which the owner said I could change if I paid for it myself. On today's budget that's not going to be my priority. The color isn't hideous, blue is my favorite color after all, but its not good either. It gives a rather cold vibe, but like I said not my priority right now. The room consists of a queen size bed (I need my space 😊), a fluffy wool carpet that I love to walk on and even sit on, a white closet and a small white chest of drawers. Not my style at all, but it will have to do for now.

J: You want to order food? On me - I plop on the sofa beside her

G: Oh... YES!

J: Thai?

G: Sushi?

J: Both?

G: Done... go for Rice bowl. It'll be here in ten.

I am on my phone searching, ordering

G: You coming tonight? - she is browsing through her own phone

J: Where?

G: Gerrys birthday party!

J: No. I don't know him that well.

G: Who cares, you know me.

J: Yeah. I am just nod in the mood. aren't you working anyway?

G: From 12. I'll just go straight from the party

She says matter-of-factly. I laugh and shake my head

G: So?

J: No, it's been a long day and besides I am working tomorrow too.

G: Fine. But you are coming out tomorrow?

J: What's tomorrow?

G: Jacks moving in party

J: Ah. Right - I try to come up with good excuses on how to ditch that one too, I guess she reads my mind after only knowing each other for a week, pretty well cause she says almost demanding,

G: You are coming!

J: Fine - I say while letting out a small laugh

Her mouth stretches into a wide grin and she raises her eyebrows at me.

J: You want scampi or chicken?

G: Scampi.

J: Done. Food will be here in 8

G: Told you. They're productive as hell... Now I want to talk to you about that awesome Oslo poster... can we hang that in the kitchen?

J: Yeah. For sure. I only want Klimt and the cherry blossoms in my room, all the others are for takes

G: Nice. I have to browse through your stuff some more... when are you at work again? - she teases. I hit her arm.

The food arrives and we eat to reruns of "the Big Bang theory". She leaves for the party quickly after we have eaten. I pick up my phone and see I have an unread message, my stomach in knots by the name of the sender,

"Is there room for one more on that one-man-balcony of yours?"

I grin at his reference to my many talks about my one-man-balcony. 

"As long as its not a tall basketball player"


" :) Where are you?"

"Around the corner😉"

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