Hugh and Julia

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H: You were right. Its good - he says as the credits roll on the screen

J: I told you

H: Yes, but you said the same about Notebook... and that was just sappy

J: Ah... how dare you talk about Noah and Ally like that?! - I mock offended

He chuckles and goes to the bathroom as I lean back on the couch and smile to myself. Our favorite past-time since moving in together a month ago, is watching movies. He is making me watch all the Marvel movies which he loves, and in return I make him watch all my classic rom-coms. So far Notting Hill is the only one that he liked.

J: You know in our movie you are Julia, and I am Hugh - I say as I see him walk back to the living room

He makes a stop in the kitchen - "Why is that? Do you need anything?" - he shouts

J: the sour cream crisps and my pomegranate juice - I shout back

He comes and sits beside me a few seconds later,

"Thanks" - I say as he hands me the crisps

H: So why am I Julia?

J: Because you are famous, and I am just a regular girl asking for the said boy to love me

H: You are anything but regular - he leans into and kisses me, I smile through the kisses

He was right about the living together part. I love it. So much I never want to live anywhere else without him. 

I have enrolled into an online course in writing, its the continuation of the one I started in London, just modul 2 and its online. I still haven't found a job, but have another interview tomorrow, at a hostel. I am not too thrilled about the idea, but at this point I can't be picky. Its not that I need the job, but I got free time AND I want to make my own money. Hero of course doesn't say anything, and I know he never will but, it will just make me feel better if I also contributed into the household. I got offered one job since coming here and it was at a bar, but I declined. The hours were mainly in the evening or night and then I wouldn't see much of Hero, which was the whole point of moving here, to be together and see A LOT of each other. :) 

H: And I am not famous - he says as we pause the kissing

J: Tell that to your fans

He rolls his eyes - "Whatever"

J. Hey have I ever told you about Robert and Claire?

H: No, I dont think so... who's that? 

J: Its my uncle and his wife

H: What about them? 

J: My aunt Claire was an emergency nurse, in fact she had just gotten her diploma and started working at the Yale New Haven Hospital. A few months in she was on duty to cover a basketball game at the University. A young player got injured at the game that night and she nursed him at the arena, and back to the hospital.

His eyes widen. I smile and continue

J: Through his recovery they got to talking and... 

H: Omg! Your uncle?

I nod smiling

H: He is a baller?

J: Nooo! He just played in collage. Eventually they had Brooke, my cousin, and he retrieved from basketball completely. He enrolled into construction engineering, and they had another kid, Marvin. She put nursing on hold while she stayed at home, supporting him and taking care of their children and still never, ever have I heard her complain about it. I know its very old fashioned but she loved it, and even to this day says that was the best time of her life. In addition to being able to really be there for her kids. 

H: Wow! And he gave up basketball for engeneering?

I look at him. A little annoyed that that's what he is hung up on. I am trying to tell him about a lovely love story in real life. And besides he got it the wrong way. He did it voluntarily, no one forced him to give up basketball.

J: He gave up basketball because he wanted to support his family. He loved her and the life that they were building together and thought that that life required a stable ground. I believe he was happy to provide that for her, for them as no one forced him to give up anything.

H: Puh. I don't think I could ever do that. Give up basketball for someone else.

I look at him strangely. What an egocentric thing to say. Breath Jo. You have just moved in together and its the first time you are spending a lot of time together, which means now you are really getting to know each other. Which again means you'll see all sides of each others persona and that is a good thing. If nothing, his honesty is always refreshing and welcoming. 

J: Let's hope you are never in the situation where you must take a stand to that – I try to say as lightly as I can. Don't want to ruin the rest of the evening.

His lips curl upwards, and he leans over to kiss me. When his lips touch mine a fire within me starts and I forget all about basketball, egocentric stances and job interviews.

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