night changes

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G: Who's the hunk sleeping on our couch? – she shakes my shoulder carefully but enough for me to register her presence

I smile through my sleep and mumble "Hero" before turning around to continue sleeping. She gets the cue and I hear her leave my room, closing the door silently. I turn around to check the time on my phone, its 7AM. She probably just got home from work. I turn around again and go back to sleep.

An hour later my alarm rings. I take a quick shower and make myself coffee to go. I'll get one at work too but, I need one now! The sound of the water and the coffee machine wakes him up

H: What time is it? - I hear him from the couch

J: Almost 9. Sorry I must go to work. But you can stay. Gemma is in her room, she'll probably sleep until afternoon but, make yourself comfortable... there is coffee... breakfast

H: Shit. I didn't hear anything. When did she get in? – he is rubbing sleep from his eyes

J: around 7.

He starts getting up, still in yesterday's clothes

Last night after another hour and catching up on the balcony. We decided to go inside, we ate popcorn and watched the new episodes of our favorite show, Succession. We used to watch it together before, when we lived apart, and then had conversations and summaries about it over the phone. He fell asleep during episode two and as much as I wanted to crawl in beside him on the couch, I gathered up all the courage I had left in me and walked away to sleep in my own room. I can't say I didn't secretly hope that he would come in during the night. No such luck. 

H: No, I am going to go. I must get ready for the birthday. I have to buy Amelia a gift and...

J: You haven't bought a gift?

H: No, I didn't have time in Barcelona, and then I thought I'll do it when I get here, but I got occupied with something else and then I came here... so yeah... no gift. 

J: What are you getting her?

H: No idea... any suggestions?

J: Omg. Ehh... a wallet, a scarf, a gift card for theater or concert. I know they love to go.

H: Yeah. They are into the cultural stuff

J: Maybe... roam through what's playing now and buy for that. It's a little more personal than just a gift card

H: Right

J: But make sure it's something they like, and that they haven't seen.

H: Ahh. I suck at gifts

J: All guys do, don't take it personally. My brother once bought me a coat with fur. Knowing I hate fur and am member of Dyrebeskyttelsen, its equitant to PETA.

H: uhh that's bad.

J: I didn't want it, so he had to return it and didn't get the full refund which served him right

He laughs

H: You're cold

J: No. He didn't pay attention. And that's what I am saying about guys, you aren't paying attention to the details, like we are. That's why girls always bring better gifts. Except from Chlo and Brandon, he is kick ass at gifts, and she sucks. They have reversed the roles.

We share a knowing laugh

J: Oh, shit I got to go.

H: I'll walk with you.

I smile and he walks me all the way to work. Its an eight minute walk which we spend him grilling me about the different types of coffees and food we serve at D&D. "Just to see if you are up to date on your job" he jokes. We hug goodbye. I am attending a party tonight and he is attending Amelias birthday dinner. And tomorrow he is flying back to Barcelona so we will not be seeing each other again for a while. His season starts and then its full on. 

He texts while I am at work. It's a picture of the tickets he bought Amelia, for a theater play.

J: Oh that's a great gift. She loves that play. They've watched it both in NYC and here, but not this new with the newest ensemble.

H: omg. Details

J: Haha. I told you. We listen when people talk.

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