Cleveland pt.2

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Pierre picked me up at the airport as I had received in a text earlier that he would. I had never been to Cleveland and was looking forward on embarking on this adventure. It might not be Paris or Rome but, every new city is a new adventure. And I love discovering new places. 

Pierre Biel is a 48 year old business- man, owning a management company which represent a few athletes. He is married to an American lady, they have two children, and live in Boston. It was Brandon who suggested that Hero got a new manager and hooked him up with his friend Pierre, meaning he was best suited for him. Brandon is still involved but, more in the background as he is based in London and with two little babies doesn't work as much as before. He always looks for the best for Hero so he advised him to be represented by someone who has all the time and effort for him as he is at the start of his NBA career. 

On the way back to the hotel, as we haven't met before only heard of one another,  Pierre lays down the rules for dating Hero and for this weekend. He tells me about how he even advised Hero against me coming this weekend, "but since I listen to my wife more than I should here we are" - he jokes with a hint of seriousness. He tells me more about the importance of this tournament not just on the court but, also the meets and greets with the press, the fans, the sponsors and the important hands Hero needs to shake so he needs to be focused all weekend. But he convinced Pierre that having me here will make him play better, be better and enhance in every aspect. 

"So not to put any pressure on you, but now you know how it's going down and what you are signing up to" - he tells me 

I have no idea what's going on. I mean we have been together for some time now I know how life with him is, and honestly so far its been good. I have nothing to complain about, the fans that we have met have been nice and supportive. And the press... I haven't even noticed them. I mean an article here and there, but never invasive or rude or anything. 

We park in the garage and take the elevator up. He gets off at the 10th floor where he and his wife are staying, while the team is at 12th where I will get off  :"Hero will probably wait for you by the door. Its safer than him coming down here in case anyone sees." Wow they really are sneaking me in here I think to myself. 

As the elevator comes to a stop, and the doors slide open I am greeted by the cutest, most handsome dude with the biggest smile at the sight of me. He is wearing a long white tee, loose Celtics shorts to his knees, flipflops. His signature piercing eyes soaking me in and his hair damp and light and beautiful.

We embrace in a tight hug and say our hellos and hi's. After hugging for five minutes we part

J: You really had to work for this ha? - I tease him

H: I did. But its so worth it

I smile, blushing. His words have such impact on me. He smiles and cups both of my cheeks, staring at me, amused. 

H: I have missed you. Three weeks without you is more than I can take

I chuckle nervously and look down and away from his stare. He grins, probably liking the way he is making me nervous. He pulls me closer, tilts his head and kisses me. His lips completely covering mine. I am eager for him from the first second as well. I hug my arms around his waist and pull him to me. Opening my mouth and welcoming his deeply missed skillful tongue. 

We clumsily walk inside his room, still tangled into each other, over to the bed where we lay down, me beneath him, kissing and grabbing for another minute when he starts dragging on my shirt, I pull it off in a beat and begin to drag his off, he helps me get it over his arms and hints that he wants to lay down over me again. I grab his hands and flip us over, so I am straddling him. He smiles surprised but, his eyes are screaming for me to continue. I untie the chord on his shorts and pull it off him. All the while he is watching me in desperation and awe?

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