you've been searchin'for it

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Hero POV

T: Whats up with you and Jo?

I look over at my best friend sitting on the opposite side of the couch in his parents house. As I stare at him a memory comes to mind, almost a year ago the two of them sitting in this same couch at this same house talking about the same girl.

T: Whats up with you and Brandons sister in law?

H: Nothing – looks at him strangely

T: Not nothing I see you glowing there just from texting

H: I am not.

T: Okay – gives it up, faking

H: I am not... she s just a girl, she is fun to hang out with, and talk to

Theo nods - "Mhm" - mocking him

H: She is really beautiful though - says mostly to himself

T: She is.

H: She is funny too. Like you know doesn't even know that she is funny.

T: Mhm – continues to nod mockingly

- Hero is dreaming away and Theo just watches him. He looks at Theo who is now wide gaping at him, he smiles as wide. 

H: Shit – he says annoyed at himself

Theo continues to smile

T: Why not?

H: I was going to focus on basketball

T: You can have a little fun in between. And doesn't she like live abroad? So you escape the nagging of a constant girlfriend

H: How romantic you are

T: Romantic? I don't know who tried to hook up with her on the rooftop on New Years

I start laughing - "Shit. I was so high out of my mind"

T: I know

They both laugh

H: I apologized though

T: Seriously?

H: Yeah

Theo continues to look at him in disbelief and smiles

H: What?

T: Nothing man! You are in some deep shit.

H: Oh shut up!

That was then, it was the beginning of them. And now his best friend is asking the same question about the same girl, but the conversation is different. This feels like the end of them.

H: Nothing

T: But what happened last night?

H: Nothing... I was an asshole.

T: You talked?

H: Yeah. It was just stupid the whole thing. I didn't believe me, and she... she knows me better than I know myself so of course she didn't believe me. It was just a mess. The whole thing. I basically told her I want to sleep with her but, dont want to be with her

Theo makes a face at me: "Shit!"

H: Yeah. 

T: You know that if I knew thats what you wanted I would have given you two thumbs up and say "tap that", but I dont think thats what you really want

H: No. Or yeah I would love to sleep with her again, but... - they share amusing smiles in between them

T: So what is it that you want?

H: Honestly, I want to be with her, for real, all of her... but I dont want to forgive her. She fucked up and I can't forgive that.

He nods: "So the answer is?"

H: Nothing. Focus on basketball and hope it will make me forget her

T: The classic easy way out

H: The coward way out

falling - the sequelNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ