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J: Omg I am going to be sick - I breath heavily and grab my waist like to keep steady

H: You, ok? - he laughs

J: That was the most horrible ride I have ever taken in my life, and I have been to Disneyworld in Orlando and Paris and taken all the scary, thrilling, adrenaline pumping rides.

He laughs - "It was wild"

J: Wild? It was horrible. I thought I was going to fall out, pass out, or puke on that pretty hair of the girl in front of me, and just never recover. My God - I was still holding my waist and bending forward to release some back pain from the ride. He was laughing lightly, while we were trying to catch our breath and slow down our minds, I guess.

We are at the top of Tibidabo, at the amusement park having fun and taking rides for his birthday. I had been in Barcelona once before but, never up here on the hill. The view of the city is spectacular and the park is green and beautiful but, the rides, or this one ride in particular was almost the end of me. Its still making me feel I am going to puke out all my insides even though its ten minutes since we got off.

H: Want to try another? – he teases me

I shoot him a deadly look and he laughs then takes me by the wrist and leads me to our blanket - "Lets go sit" 

After my five hour(!) monologue on the front steps of Dela and Freddies house for Theos birthday last weekend Hero and I found back to each other. He understood where I was coming from and forgave me for what happened in Oslo. We kissed for a while before going inside to a lot of teasing and banter from our friends. We left the party an hour later, back to my place. He was leaving tomorrow early so we didn't have much time. 

The icing on the cake for the night was though when Hero played "Svag" for me. Its a Swedish song by Victor Leksell IN SWEDISH! I came back from the bathroom and he was laying in bed, the song playing from his phone on the nightstand. 

J: Where does this come from? - I asked surprised. He was humming through the song but, the chorus he sang in his perfect swed-english. It was adorable. 

H: Chloe was listening to it once I was over at their house. And she sang so passionately I had to ask what the song was about. She did and I knew this was my song to you, cause it was accurately explaining how I felt around you. 

I smiled blushing

H: I was just wondering if you would karaoke it for me, I dont think I've ever had anyone do that for me before

I give him a look - "Fuck you"

He winks his eyebrows at me - "Gladly" 

We both smile and I join him in bed to gladly fulfill my harsh statement. 

He drove to the airport early the next day as he had practice and game that night. We talked daily, almost hourly, only pauses being when he was on practice or when I was in class or with customers at work. I felt like I lived on my phone which reminded me of our beginning. 

The week flew by quickly like that, and last night our crew and I flew in to visit him for the weekend as it is 6th of November today and his birthday. 

"You guys ready to go back?" - Dela, followed by Theo, Alfie and Freddie, came to where we were sitting. They had been on the other side of the park taking a different ride.

J: YES! - I almost shout out, Hero laughs and the six of us take the tram back down to the city. We go by our hotel to shower, get ready and chill before we are heading to dinner and dancing for Heros birthday. 

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