sacrifices and adventures

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J: I hate this

H: I know... Me too. 

J: Its like our whole relationship has been one long distance. I mean truthfully we dont even know what its like to be together for real as we have never spent more than ten days tops in the same city. Isn't that weird to think about?

H: It is. And most days it sucks, but what is the alternative like... I dont want to not be with you, so... 

J: I know me neither. I know there is nothing we can do. But I can still complain about it

He laughs on the other end of the phone

H: You could move to Barcelona?

J: What?

H: I mean you could

J: No. I can't. 

H: Why not?

J: I dont know. I can't just chase you around Europe. 

H: I am not saying move permanently. Just... next semester, you weren't gonna go to school until fall anyway. And there are so many online courses you could take, and I'll help you find a job here, part-time something. I mean you wouldn't need much anyway as the club is paying my apartment and we would save tons on plane tickets back and forth. And you have been talking about wanting to brush upon your Spanish. We could be together all the time. No more long distance. Think about it. Its a win-win.

I am driven to silence by this. I am in shock. Never in a million years would I imagine this would come from one of our phone conversations. Hero and I living together in Barcelona. And just like that. His plan seemed so easy, like it was no big deal at all. 

H: Joss?

J: I am here

H: So... what are you thinking?

J: I have never lived with a guy before

H: I have never lived with a girl before... but, I think I'll be pretty good at living with you.

This makes me smile - "Oh you think you would?"

H: I do. Oscar-worthy good.

I laugh, and I sense his smile on the other end.

J: This is so weird. 

H: Why. I mean if I stayed in London and you came to live there, dont you think we would have lived together by now. I mean maybe not officially but, I am 100% that we would spend so much time at each others places that it would be like living together. And I mean now is the perfect opportunity for that until you start university, then it wount be so easy.

I breath out so loudly and pause for a second - "Ah so many valid points"

H: I am telling you... this is a sure thing

J: But, what if it doesn't work... what if we hate living with each other?

H: Come on. Be real. Do you think that can happen?

J: No... I am more scared I'll love it too much I wount return to London.

Now he laughs - "Thats what I am hoping."

J: Ass

H: You'll get to see it every day if we live together baby

I laugh again - "Oh my god"

H: Come on, what do you say?

J: I have to think about it.. wrap my head around it

H: Fine. The offer stands... well it always stands - we laugh again

 well it always stands - we laugh again

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The days that follow consist of him being persistent of my move to Barcelona. He sends me pictures how he made closet space for me, how he bought new dining plates, as I pointed out he has to last time I visited, he even sent some cool online courses he found and a teammate of his has a girlfriend who is working at a bar, and could get me an interview maybe. All this is making it very hard to say anything else than yes. And everyone around me that I talk to encourages me to do it, even Chloe who I think if it was anyone else then Hero, would say it is reckless and unresponsible to follow a boy like that. Especially when he has a full life there and you have nothing. But, this she thinks is a good move, and a thing its worth making a little sacrifices for. It will be an adventure she said. Three days after our phone conversation I make up my mind and text Hero.

J: I want the left side of the closet space, and I need another drawer.

H: :D You can have all the space you want baby, I'll keep my clothes in a box. 

J: I'll hold you to that promise. 

H: You for real?

J: I am

H: :D :D :D :D <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

J: Haha <3

H: I'll call you in an hour :* <3

J: ;) <3

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