love buzz

231 11 0

I get back from work around the same time as Gemma wakes up. She works at a night club, and then sleeps in the next day

G: Hey

J: Good morning

She smiles at me

G: How was work?

J: Better than first day... didn't spill anything on anyone

G: I have high hopes for you Langford

J: Halleluja - I joke back and go to my room to change. I check my phone quickly, just in case there is another text from one particular person, there isn't. I hear music from the kitchen and decide to take a shower later but rather join my roomie.

J: Oh I was just to say... to put some music on – I say as I come out of my room, pulling a hoodie over my head

G: Got you sista'- she was standing in the kitchen preparing something but looking completely clueless. Kitchen was not Gemmas place I have learned.

J: What are you doing?

G: I thought I could make some pasta... you want?

J: I bought groceries... Maybe I could make soup?

G: Pleasee... - she gestures for me to trade places with her in the kitchen

J: I know... - we smile as we trade places, me inside the kitchen, she on the bar stool

J: You like potato and all kinds of veggies right? I thought I could make a French heavier soup?

G: Yeah, yeah. I love it all. Especially if I don't have to cook

 I chuckle as she is now scrolling on her phone looking for songs I presume.

J: Oh I love this song

She turns it up for me and I sing along to the song "Lie to me"

J: Oh I so wish I could see them live

G: Let's check Songkick

She scrolls on her phone again

G: No sorry they're in Australia currently

J: I think they are from Australia

G: I have no idea

J: How was your work?

G: It was fun. I... there was this guy that sat by the bar from he came until we closed.

J: What did he do?

G: Nothing, he talked to me. He was there on a bachelors party, but he just sat at the bar talking to me

J: Wow. That's one way to make you see him

G: For sure. But, he was okay. Like we talked. It wasn't weird or uncomfortable. It was just nice

J: Nice - I say as I smile and not at her - was he from here? 

G: Yeah, yeah. A South London boy. I invited him to the party tonight

J: You did?

G: Yeah, its no big deal. I thought he was nice to talk to, and tonight is like safe place. I know almost everyone at the party. So...

I nod again. Wow. The little I know about Gemma is that she doesn't like clinginess, in any shape or form but especially from guys. She likes to be in control in everything. She doesn't do relationships as they are clingy, her words. So that she invited this guy tonight is very unlike her.

J: Seems like he was a little more than just nice to talk to

She shrugs at my words and goes back to her phone

G: So the hunk on our couch this morning? - she remembers instantly

I smile by the mention of him

J: Yeah. What about him?

G: Who is he?

J: That's Hero

G: That's his name?

J: It is

G: Where did you meet him?

J: At the local store

She stares at me, not believing my story

I chuckle

J: He is my ex bf

G: ex boyfriend? You have an ex boyfriend in London? - she asks surprised

J: Yeah. He lives in Barcelona now though. Plays basketball.

G: How long has he been an ex?

J: Ehm... since May

G: Oh... what happened?

I contemplate her question before answering: "I was a shitty person..."

G: Nooo... Josephine Langford... you hurt that hunk? I sure hope the other guy was worth it

J: He wasn't – I say sadly

G: You regret it?

J: Very much

G: Aww... baby, but what? Hero is forgiving you?

J: I don't know. We haven't seen each other since June... just a text here and there. And then couple weeks ago he said he was gonna be in London and wanted to hang out. And last night we did.

G: Oh he is so on board again

J: I don't know... we haven't talked or anything.

G: How long did you date?

J: Just about six months

She nods, deep in thought

G: When is he going back to Barcelona?

J: Tomorrow

G: Invite him tonight then

J: No, he has a dinner to attend

G: I am sure he'll ditch that for you

J: No, it's family. I don't want him to ditch that.

G: He can come by later then

I shrugged – Maybe...

My phone pings, she looks at it as it is on the kitchen counter

G: U-u- its Hero

Then she starts singing "I can be your Hero baby..." I laugh and dry my hands on the apron before taking my phone and reading the text. I guess I cant hide my smile

G: Oh you are so in love - she teases. I give her my best smile and go back to my phone

H: Are these nice? – it's a picture of beautiful colourful twenty tulipans

J: They are beautiful

H: Are they, her favorite?

J: No. Its lilies, but those are great. I am sure James will buy her lilies.

H: 😜

J: 😁

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