you all over me

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During next week, I am swamped at work joggling two important clients as well as delivering pitches for another two... there are never-ending meetings, hour long dinners, and late night brainstorming and discussions at the office.

It's a drag, but its also fun and challenging. Throwing myself into new waters without a life vest is when I am most productive. I don't have much time for anything else besides work that week. The social calendar goes out the window and the little work out I get done is at the gym facilities we have in the building.

I am just going home to sleep, every other second of my waking hour is spent working.

It also involves a one night-stay in Chicago. At the end of the week I have reached new agreements with one client, and the other I need to work on a little more but, is close to being on board for new projects and extending contracts.

Hero and I talk every day during the week, he feels sorry for me but he is as well busy in Boston.

He comes down on Friday which is a total surprise, to relax me and get my mind off work, for a night at least. He orders us food and deserts, and we just spend time together at my apartment.

While we are laying in each others arms that evening,

J: Thank you for not listening to me.

H: About?

J: About me being too busy for you to come to Nyc

H: You never have been good at assessing your own well-being – he tightens his grip around me and kisses my head

J: No. I am not so good at that.

H: You should take a vacation

J: I know... I have like three weeks of vecay to spend... but, it's just never the right time for it you know

H: It never will be until you decide one day to spend them.

J: Ah I know... - and start to get up

H: Where are you going?

J: I have to pee

He rises up and pulls me back to bed – "That's the only vecay you'll get from me" – and kisses my face all over

"Aaaa" – I shriek and pull out of his embrace, smiling and laughing all the way to the bathroom

H: Hey, speaking of vacations... what are you doing next weekend? - he asks as I come back into the bedroom

J: I don't know... nothing as far as I know

H: There is this banquet and charity games for former NBA players, in Atlanta, do you want to come?

I am surprised as it is shown in my whole being. I am standing in the middle of the bedroom looking at him. I open my mouth, but nothing comes out, so its just silence while staring at each other. I dont know how long we stand like this, before he says,

H: You don't have to if...

J: No, no... I was just... I don't know... that's kind of big

H: how come? - he asks confused

J: There are gonna be a lot of people there right? and the press I assume?

H: Probably. But, we can keep a low profile

J: I just... I don't want them involved into... this - point between him and myself - ... again

He rises from the bed and comes to stand in front of me, wrapping his hands around my waist, and dips his head to make eye contact with me

H: They are not, we are not letting them this time, we know better now.

I bite my upper lip and smile. He smiles back and we dive into a kiss, followed by small kisses.

H: But since we are on the subject, what is this between you and I?

J: Oh no – I slip from his embrace – we are not having that conversation now

H: Why not?

J: Because that would require a whole day which we don't have. I have to sleep.

H: Okay... in Atlanta then?

J: Oh shit! I forgot I have an important meeting next weekend

He grabs me and throws me on the bed, I am already shrieking and laughing. He starts tickling me as he is hovering over me. It's all fun and play that leads to kissing and fooling around and more bedroom activities until we fall asleep in each others arms.

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