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6 1/2 years later

I am woken up by the unlocking of the door, followed by a loud thud, an umbrella I assume falling on to the concrete floor in the hallway, and a whispering "Shit". I smile to myself as I lay waiting for my host. 

He is trying, and failing miserably, to be quiet while taking of his shoes, jacket and pick up the umbrella.

J: Where have you been? – I mock him, questioning like a nagging wife, as I sit up on the coach I am sleeping on for the weekend, trying to brush the sleep in my eyes

A: Out – he smiles stupidly, slurring his words and sits down on the end of the couch, by my feet

J: Clearly – I continue to tease him

He tickles my feet as I squeak surprised and pull them away quickly

J: Ass

He smiles wide and drunk

A: Did I wake you?

J: No – I lied, it was nice to see him

A: Liar!

We both smile. We haven't seen each other for a month and a half, that's the longest we've gone apart since I moved to the States permanently six and a half years ago.

A: How are you? How was your trip?

J: Good, same as always... how is Boston night life? – I continue to tease

He smiles: "Tiring... these old bones aren't cut for this anymore"

J: Maybe time to slow down on the night life then, oldie – I smile, he smiles back and lies his head on the back of the sofa

A: I know... I wasn't even gonna go, but when Hero called I wa...

J: Hero? - my heart stops. Literally fucking stops beating! 

A: Yeah... Hero
J: Hero...? My Hero? – I am so shocked and its starting to become evident in everything I say and do
A: Shit! You didn't know he is here, did you? – like finally some common sense come through all the alcohol
J: Where's here?
A: Here in Boston. He is the head coach for the Boston college basketball team
J: For real? – I am excited, surprised and genuinely happy for him
A: Yeah.
J: Since when?
A: Since... a few weeks ago

J: Wow
A: Yeah. It's pretty cool... He is doing a great job.

J: I bet – I smile, as does he, we are both truly happy for him

Ever since my brother and Hero met all those years ago in London they have kept in touch. They clicked instantly, sharing a lot of the same interests, especially the love for basketball. When we moved to the States six and a half years ago, Hero to Boston, and I to NYC, Aiden and he hung out a lot, as did the three of us, a few months later also Sophia joined our trio, becoming Aidens girlfriend. 

A: What's your status by the way? - he wakes me up from my train of thought down memory lane
J: Our status? We broke up five years ago and haven't seen each other since... so I would say our status is pretty much nonexistent.

He nodded, and silence followed. Million thoughts running through my head, Aiden was just watching me. I wanted to ask him so much more about Hero, but at the same time I didn't. Mostly because I was afraid what I would find on the other side of the questions. Its not that my life the last five years without Hero in them have consisted of me longing or missing him. I have moved on and have a life of my own now sans him. But, suddenly now sitting across a person who just saw him minutes ago wakes something unexplainable in me. A curiosity and a sudden longing for me to to see him, if nothing just to say hi. Its weird. 

And its crazy. Its been five years. He has long moved on, as have I. And we are completely different people now. Maybe its just the nostalgia. The older you get the more you long for your young self. Even though 25 isn't old, but I am an old soul.

J: So, you guys are hanging out or what?

A: Yeah. I mean we work in the same establishment and are around the same people so we see each other often. And you know we are a lot alike. .. he also knows Matt and Finn through basketball and the Celtics. So when he moved back we kinda just started hanging out again... all of us. - He tells me all of this very slowly, and carefully. Like he doesn't want to hurt me, and is regretful for not sharing this information with me.

I nod

A: Are you mad that I didn't tell you? – asks finally

J: No, no... we have... we are over a long time ago. I have nothing to do with who you spend your time with. I am just surprised. I had no idea that he was back or that you two were hanging out again...

Aiden nods. It feels like he sobered up a little. I have a feeling he wants to say something else but, decides against it and puts a hand on my leg.

A: Okay... I am gonna go to bed and kiss my fiancée. But I'll see you tomorrow lil'one – he ruffles my hair as he stands up, in a loving brotherly gesture

I smile and adjust my hair. Before he completely disappears into the hallway, he stops and turns around,

A: He asks about you

J: Oh...

A: Yeah

J: Okay...

He nods and smiles timidly as he is to step into the bathroom

J: What does he say? – I say loudly

He stops abruptly and turns back around, peeking into the living room

A: Just asks how you are? What you are up to now?

J: What do you say?

He shrugs: "That you are in Nyc, still living with Ed" - smiles mockingly "That you are a graphic designer for Nike"

I nod

J: You didn't tell him about... - I didn't even want to say it out loud

A: No. That's not my place. Neither is it his to know.

I nod, and smile appreciating his common sense

He smiles and steps into the bathroom.

Hey guys! I am sorry if this is confusing for some. But I just couldn't get the continuation of the current story line on float. It took me several days to write each chapter (as you probably noticed with the slow updates) and I just couldn't focus. At the same time the story line of what I wanted to happen in the future for these two favo lovebirds of mine (and yours :D)  was forming in my head and I was writing chapter after chapter on my Word/phone in minutes. So I took a creative decision and jumped a few years ahead. I hope you still like the story and that I manage to put on "paper" properly everything that swirles in my head about this story. 

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