we love who we love

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A few months into the new year he injures his knee and undergoes two surgeries that leaves him out of basketball indefinitely. The news are excruciating for him and I watch him cry himself to sleep many nights that follow.

As the days pass he becomes a shell of himself, he becomes resentful and disrespectful. He can't seem to see any light, or future or positivity in anything. He doesn't socialize with people, and he becomes distant with me. 

One evening though I manage to drag him to Matts birthday party. Something I regret later. The party is a disaster, he is all pouty and negative throughout the night, discussing or arguing with people, mostly his friends he (in normal circumstances) cares deeply about, he is being overbearingly jealous of any male that only talks to me, and he even fights with Aiden which is what makes me completely lose my cool, and call him out on it.

H: What the hell is your problem?

J: You are my problem... what the hell is wrong with you? Talking to people like that, behaving like a total asshole

H: What the fuck are you talking about?

J: You know damn well what I am talking about. You are condescending and rude. You talk to people like they are four. And to Aiden. I mean the guy who has been there for you, always. Supported you. You have the nerve to talk to him like that... for what? Because he suggested you find something else to do, to think about your future. Basketball isn't everything you know...

H: You have no idea what you are talking about. You have never loved or wanted something so much, have a taste of it... and then have it ripped from your hands, possibly forever.

J: I am starting to... - I say slowly, the sadness evident in my whispering voice

He bores his eyes into mine. It makes him stop. Its like a car stopping abruptly at a red light. He breathes out. His eyes become gentle and tender, loving, and he slows down. 

H: Joss - and says carefully

J: You have to stop this. Before you wash it all down the drain. It's not the end of the world.

H: It is! – he gears up again - To me it is! This is my whole life, basketball will always be the most important thing in my life. And now that it's taken away from me. I have nothing. I AM nothing. I don't care about anything else. I just want to get back on that court.

I am stunned and shocked. I know basketball is a big part of his life, but that he or his life is worth nothing without it is baffling me. 

J: Then what the hell am I doing here? – I ask myself more than I ask him

H: I love you Jo, you know that. But... basketball is my number one priority. I have always been clear about that.

I nod slowly and say mostly to myself: "I guess I wasn't listening."

We stare at each other. I am at loss for words. My heart is chocking me and I feel like I am going to pass out from the loss of breath. 

I turn swiftly and fast walk to our bedroom. I can't be in the same room as him anymore.

H: Joss... Josephine – he says to my back

Its harder for him to leave as he is on crouches. I close the door and lock it, and throw myself on the bed as I have already on the way started crying. 

The next day he arrives ten minutes after I have entered the kitchen, with breakfast in hand. He is being all light and casual, but I am not in the mood. 

H: I am sorry about last night. It got out of hand.

I take a long breath before saying, 

J: I am gonna go to Nyc

H: What?

J: Yeah. I got that seminar on Thuesday and Char is alone, as Ed is out of town. So I am gonna leave earlier and spend time with her

H: When will you be back?

J: Wednesday night, Thursday morning

H: And when are you leaving tomorrow?

J: I am leaving now, on the 10AM

H: I can drive you down

J: No, that's okay. I think I need the train ride

He looks at me, and pauses. There is a silenced, heavy air hanging between us laced with hurt. 

H: Jo, I am really sorry about last night. I didn't mean it like that. I was mad about everyone constantly telling me to forget basketball. I said things I didn't mean out of hurt and bitterness

J: Yeah, no I understand that. But, I need to leave before we say any more things we both need to apologize for tomorrow


On Monday, he calls a few times, then texts. I ignore it all. We haven't talked since I left Boston on Saturday. 

H: Please call me. Lakers called.

I call him right away and he tells me about the offer he just recieved.

J: Omg that's amazing!

H: You think so?

J: Yes of course. That's a once in a lifetime opportunity. When are you leaving?

H: I haven't said yes yet.

J: What are you waiting for? You would be crazy if you say anything else. It's the Lakers!

H: What about us? - he says after a small pause

Now I grow silent... the seconds pass...

H: Joss?

J: I don't know. But I think you should concentrate on basketball now and the Lakers. This is the ultimate dream coming true for you

H: And what about you?

J: I'll be fine. I'll move back to Nyc and finish my degree



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He leaves for LA on Wednesday, being drafted by the Lakers with bad knee and all.

I go back to Nyc and finish my finals and then travel to South America to work at a womans shelter in Bolivia. 

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