one grain of sand

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"Do you want to go forward with the client?" - my boss asks me while I am sitting in his office, in our monthly briefing over my portfolio of clients

"No, I am sorry. I am ready to pass them on. I have no interest there and we are so different. I just can't connect, and I honestly think they will be better with someone else, someone who's better with numbers and scores. Someone more competitive."

He smiles compassionately "Okay. I'll pass them on. You focus on the ones you already have in your portfolio."

J: Thank you Sir

"Have you given Portland any more thought?"

J: I am still thinking about it

Boss: I wount push you, but I do need an answer soon. I have to fill out the staff quota from our office

J: I will have an answer during next week

Boss: Great. Thank you. Anything else you need? 

J: No, I am good. 

Boss: Everything good with the basketball player? 

J: Ehh... yes

How does he even know about that?

Boss: Okay. Good. See you at the all-round at 2.

J: Okay. Thanks

I walk out of his office. How does he know about Hero? I guess its not that surprising, we are all in the same field... everyone knows someone, who knows someone and news travels right to left in a nanosecond. My phone pings with a text from the group chat I have with Ed, Nate and Char, about dinner at Nates tonight. As I am writing to them, my mum texts. Oh I haven't talked to her in a week, a pang of sadness washes over me. I miss her. I text her that I love her and I'll call her tonight even if its AM in Oslo. She sends back a laughter emoji and thousand hearts.

When I walk into my office I am stunned by the tall guy in front of me who I have been deprived of for four days. I guess he hears my sharp intake of breath and turns around to face me. He puts his phone in his front pocket and gives me a cautious smile. 

I have long ago come to the realization that no matter what type of smile he sends my way, they all have the same effect on me. To leave me completely breathless. 

J: How did you get past security?

H: I am Hero Fiennes-Tiffin and this is Nike... they almost laid out the red carpet – he goes for humor

I crock an eyebrow and smile, while walking behind him to my desk and put down my files before looking at him

J: And Linda and Shelly at the main reception?

H: Please... they are women in their best years... and look at this face – he points at his face

I giggle. Actually giggle. He really is adorable. But the staring at each other make me see the hurt behind his eyes which makes me remember what's going on, and it makes me compose myself and take this seriously. This is not HS. My heart can't take this anymore.

J: What are you doing here?

H: You won't return my calls or answer my texts

J: Well... isn't that telling you something

H: Just that you are avoiding me for no good reason

J: No good reason? – I laugh sarcastically

H: Please Joss, let me explain. Please.

J: Why? What's the point?

H: Because it's important to me that you know whats going on. And that you know that these past months haven't  just been a whirlwind to me which is what this withholding of mine about my daughter will probably have you believe.

I stare at him in disbelief. His daughter. Omg! He said it. His daughter. He has a daughter. This changes everything. Everything.

I sigh loudly. What is the point in all this?

H: Please – smiles with his dimples

J: Okay - say after a pause

H: Okay. Dinner at 7. I'll find a restaurant and text you the address

J: Okay

H: Okay... thank you... see you tonight – and he goes out of my office

The point is that I love him.


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