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As I walk home after work, my phone pings, I smile as I see Chloes name.

"You move to London, and then I never see you" – reads her text. I smile and feel slightly guilty. I know I have been busy ever since school started and only have had time for brief dinners or walks. We have been talking about going to spa for a weekend and spend some real quality time together, but still haven't found a date. Either I am working, have classes, or Brandon is whisking her away for romantic getaways. They are very good at that, or he is very good at that. I text her an apology accompanied by a sad emoji and a heart.

"Want to have dinner with your old sister sometime this week?"

"How about tonight?" - I text her back. I have finished work and dont have class until 10AM tomorrow so my evening is free.

"Great. Meet at the apartment? I think Brandon would like to see you too" - she texts back. I send her an thumbs up and lock myself into my apartment. Looking forward to seeing him too, we text a lot as he is curious to know everything about my writing course since he was the one that suggested it, found it and pushed me towards it. Now, I am very glad he did. When I get into the hallway I am met by Gemma and Sarah putting their shoes and jackets on.

G:Hey girl

S: Hey

J: Hi

G: Wanna come along to the arcade? 

J: Ehh no, I am meeting Chloe for dinner

S: You can come after dinner... we'll probably be there tonight. Mel , Alex and them are all meeting us there.

J: Yeah maybe

G: No, maybe... call when dinner is over. I'll come and get you if I have to

I chuckle: "Okay"

G: You have to come out with us more... 

J: I also have a job and school

G: bla bla bla... you didnt come here just to work. You gotta have some fun too. This is London baby

Sarah and I laugh at her and her impression of Vin Diesels line "this is Brasil" from the Fast&Furious movies, Gemmas favorite. 

S: Just say you'll come... she wount back down until you do

J: I'll call you when dinner is done

G: great. Chloe can come too - she says as she gives me a hug, takes her jacket and goes for the door, Sarah following her. We say our goodbyes and they are out. 

I love her. We have been living together for only a month and a half, but we clicked instantly. She is easy to talk to, listens, gives great advice, gives you space, but is also concerned that you are good. Checking in on you, dragging you off the couch and telling you as it is if you are in a funk. Its harsh at times, but it's done out of care and love, so you take it to heart. She has almost taken a protective approach to me especially since I am new to London and the youngest of the four. Melanie and Sarah are nice too, but more closed off and mind their own business. Its not that they don't care about me, but they just don't have the same need to babysit me. Gemma checks in on me all the time, helping me with the adjustments to London, work and school either its my rights concerning sick-days when working part time, or with paperwork for next years collage application.

As I didn't get in to sociology this semester, I took Brandons advice and applied for the writing course he recommended. After two writing tests and one interview I got in. Its three days a week and I am enjoying it immensely, so much more than I thought I would. I think I didn't take it seriously when Brandon approached it thinking it was something people took in their spare time as a hobby. But the course is really good, led by an author of two critically acclaimed books. The assignments are interesting as well and challenging. Making me go out of my comfort zone which in itself is fun as it can take me three hours to write a paragraph or verse, because with a simple question my mind can go to overdrive and find ways to see suppressed thoughts and memories in new light and then make me put that on a page. 

I head straight to the bathroom when they leave, needing desperately a shower after a seven hour shift. After the shower and a little scrolling through my phone I decide to take the tube to Brandon and Chloes. Its almost 6PM.

"I am on my way" - I text Chloe

"Great. Be there in an hour." - she responds

Half an hour later I press the code to their apartment building letting myself in, deciding on taking the steps rather than the elevator. Which give me time to think about how truly long it has been since I have been here. Actually I haven't been here since that night with Hero a month ago. Wow. No, no, no not going there tonight mind, I rather entertain the other thought I had which was that I should really be better at seeing my sister more often. 

I reach the third floor and step into the joint hallway that  they share with three other apartments. I notice the new flowers outside their door and one of mums big ass pots that Chloe had wanted for years, wonder when she got it shipped to London? I am about to step into the apartment when the door swings open in my face. And it isn't the sudden movement that has me gasp and take a step back in shock, its the person standing in front of me.

H: Ah... hi - he is as lost as I am

J: Haay - I manage to speak out, dragging my words as to give my mind time to catch up. He stands and stares back at me

H: How are you?


J: What are you doing here?

H: We are just helping Brandon move some furniture

I shake my head, annoyed by him. As I am still not understanding the situation and can't for the life of me understand how he sees clarity in this

J: What are you doing in London?

H: I ha... 

"Hey Jo" - Brandon comes to the door - "Sorry about this. I am moving some furniture to my parents. We just gotta load this to Theos car and then we can hang till Chloe comes

T: Hey Jo - before I have time to process anything, Theo also comes to the door. In my rearview I see that Hero is watching me. I now register that they are in fact carrying pieces of furniture.

J: Hey

T: How've you been?

J: I'm... good. You?

T: Great. School started. Got all my 1st choice classes, so very good - his boyish face lights up

J: Thats great. How is Dela? 

T: Eh... she is good... I guess

I give him puzzled look

T: We took a break

J: What? - this surprises me almost as much as Heros presence here

T: Yeah... we

H: hey we should get going - he comes to rescue his best friend I assume

T: Yeah

B: I'll just help them to the car Jo and I'll be back, I think Chloe is on her way

J: She is... - I say and look around me one more time, still confused, Hero is still watching me intently. My eyes linger longer on him before I turn around and walk into the apartment

T: Bye Jo - I hear Theo behind me. I turn around forgetting that there are other people here

J: Bye

He gives a small wave and smile from the hallway and disappears, followed by Brandon and Hero, who doesn't look my way anymore.

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