I know what I said

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A: Hey sis, are you on the east coast this wknd? Soph and I ++ are going up to the cabin. U welcome to join. :) 

J: Hey, sorry swamped at work. Who else gonna be there? 

A: Matt, Alex, Finn, Alan, Mila... maybe dad swings by. 

J: Oh that sounds fun. I would love to, but it just isn't doable this wknd. :( Have fun and say hi to everyone. :) 

A: K. But see you for the twins birthday? ;)

J: For sure :D

By Thursday night I finish everything at work and maybe a weekend with my family and friends in the woods and by the lake would be perfect. I text dad to see if we can ride up together as I want to surprise them. He is driving from Boston so it would be a detour, but he will gladly pay my cab fare if it means I will join them and he gets to see me. Dad<3  I mention the weekend to Ed, and he jumps on board for a getaway from the city and is therefor also driving. Nate tags along last minute as he has no particular plans this weekend. The weekend plans come together in less than ten minutes. 

I am so looking forward to spending the weekend in the slow pace, as the lazy days on the cabin with loved ones usually is. There are a little more people around than I would have personally preferred but, its a big cabin and there is enough space for both socializing and solo time, if wanting to be left alone.  

The three of us leave in the early hours of Friday, and arrive at the cabin seven hours later. Luckily there was no traffic, even driving out of Nyc was okay, so we were able to drive the whole time only making two stops for gas, toilet and snacks. They are thoroughly surprised and happy to see us. Aiden knows Ed and Nate as well as I do, they again know Aidens boys crew from boys and poker nights, basketball games (both attending and train/work out themselves). They share the same interests and have managed to form their little group, even though they are based in Boston and Nyc.  I know Alex well since she has been in the group for a while now, but Mila I've only met twice as she and Alan are kinda just started seeing each other. She went to school with Soph so they know each other as well. I later learn they started seeing each other after Aiden and Sophs wedding where they first met. Cute. :)

After the lunch we attended upon our arrival its swimming in the lake, sitting on the terrace chatting and mingling or shooting hoops at the basketball court that dad and Aiden built up when we were kids. Matt fires up the grill in the evening and we all sit out on the back terrace and eat to funny stories, good drinks made by Finn and lots of banter and laughter. 

An hour into the late dinner dad also arrives. It isn't his new hairstyle, a modern Christiano Ronaldo cut, or the black leather jacket on him that surprises me the most. Its the other new "thing" he has brought with him. Hero. 

To say I am shocked would be a huge understatement. I want to flee out of there. I want to run and hide. Mostly I would like to get into a car and drive back to the city. Why is he here? Why is he here with my dad? Why is he here at all? I know they are all friends, but Aiden didnt mention him coming... in fact no one has mention him at all the whole day which has led me to relax and not even entertain the thought that he would make an appearance on my cabin this weekend. Why is he here now then? Did they all know he was coming? 

By the looks and sounds of their faces and voices I guess not. They are all standing up from the table, smiling and shouting, cheering on down to the parking lot where they just parked beside Matts car. Soph looks at me, I give her my best fake smile, she squeezes my hand and gives me a pity mixed with surprise look. 

In all the greetings and uproar that their arrival caused I hug dad, but not Hero. Throughout the dinner we manage to avoid to converse, interact or even have any eye contact which is totally fine. I guess when I dont search it I wount find it either. Leading me to believe its okay, we are over, we are in the clear, stripped down of all emotions and past whatever feelings. Its okay now. 

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