take me away

129 13 2

During the whole week we text, and he purposes that I come to Boston on Thursday since there is a game and I did promise I would come and watch one. I will not be able to catch the one on Sunday as I am going to New Haven to celebrate my grandmothers 80th birthday. 

I accept the offer and decide to take the train up after work on Thursday. I have a short day and can be out of the office by 12 and work the rest from the train. The same for Friday I can work from his apartment while he is on practice.

I arrive in Boston Thursday just in time for the game, tickets are sent to me by Hero earlier, so I am all set when arriving at the basketball arena at the college campus which I have never been to before. They lose the game at the last minute. I am bummed for him but, there is another game on Sunday, the last this season which they have to win if they want to keep their 2nd  place position.

J: Hi - we meet up afterwords and hug

H: Hey

J: I am sorry about the game – as we part

H: Yeah. It sucks when its last minute like that. But seeing you softens the blow – he smiles

I smile shyly

X: Good game, coach!

H: Thanks chief! – some older man walks by and saluts him, he is polite and then when he is gone turns to me

H: Let's get out of here before I get mobbed down

He makes us dinner that evening. I sit at the kitchen counter and watch him like I have many times before, while playing music from my Spotify.

H: What are you listening to? he asks

J: Stig Brenner

H: S what?

I laugh. He smiles, eyes dancing with amusement while is looking at me while taking a break in chopping the garlic

J: Stig Brenner. Norwegian rap

He nods - "is he new?"

J: No. he has been active for a few years. I used to listen to that song "balkong" if you remember

He shakes his head no and I start singing "Balkong"

H: Oh that... yeah I remember... but this is a bit different

J: Yeah he is very experimental so he tries new stuff almost for every album

H: Cool

We open a wine bottle and sit and talk in the couch later with a glass in hand which eventually leads to bedroom activities

Tomorrow morning, we lay in bed as he holds around me with one hand and strokes my hair with the other

H: Your hair is longer

J: Mmm

H: Vakker – he almost whispers

I smile even though he doesn't see me. When he says things in Norwegian it only magnitudes their meaning. I keep playing with his fingers, stroking them.

J: Your Norwegian is getting better

H: I try – he says through a smile

He is laying behind me, our legs under the covers tangled together. We woke up a couple minutes ago, with huge smiles plastered on our faces, and have just been laying like this. I still feel sated after last night's tango. 

My phone pings, and its a text from Aiden,

A: "What are you doing in Boston, kiddo?"

J: "Are you tracking me, big bro?"

A: "Haha. I called your office, they were very vague why you were in Boston."

J: "Haha. Good!"

A: "When are you going to dads?"

J: "When you are :D"

A: " Haha let you know later"

J: "sounds good"

A: "at least I know where to pick you up"

J: "middle-finger emoji"

A: "LOL emoji"

That day after getting out of bed and having breakfast, he goes to work and I log onto work from his dining room. I am navigating meetings and conference calls all day. Aiden is picking me up tomorrow morning.

Hero comes home as I finish my workday. He got tickets for tonights A-team basketball game if I want to go. I do and suggest we call and invite Aiden since Soph is out with her girlfriends.

Hero and I have dinner at a newly opened restaurant by the pier. It serves delicious New England seafood. We meet Aiden later at the arena since we are going up to the semi VIP seats.

He teases us

"That took you long"

Hero smiles and I shove him a loving  "Shut up"

Aiden goes first to sit, I follow and Hero close behind, his hand on my back, lightly. It's a sweet gesture. The two of them talk basketball behind me and about some players I dont recognize the name of. I dont mind. I love the way they are interacting. It feels just like old times. It gives me a little pinch as to what the hell am I doing. Again with Hero? I haven't moved an inch in my life? Will my whole life constantly revolve around one guy? Thats strange. As is the feeling and pull I have towards him, every time he comes in a radius of ten steps from me. I try to brush the feeling of and enjoy this, whatever this is. 

Hero puts his hand on my chair behind me, his thumb stroking my back. Its such a sweet thing. I guess to make me feel included even though I am not verbally in the conversation. We eat popcorn and have a drink, the game is filled with laughter, teasing and fun banter between the three of us. Like old times.

He gives me a lot of attention throughout the game even though we are here to watch a basketball game that is in front of us. So its cute that he is looking sideways half the time. The cutest thing though, which was always my favorite part when we were out amongst people, was when he put his hand on my leg or my knee and squeezes it or just stroking it in a loving gesture. He did that tonight too a few times and it felt so special. 

People come up to him a few times to talk or take pictures, both businesspeople or people involved in the club or just fans. Some of them knew Aiden as well.

The Celtics win the game. The boys are overjoyed. I am happy for them.

Aiden and I drive up to New Haven tomorrow morning. He asks a little about Hero, but doesn't push it. There is nothing much to report anyway. We are just hanging out. We haven't talked or labeled anything, and it has only been two weekends.

We celebrate grandmas birthday at her house with all family present. 80 is special, and she is special to all our lives. That night dad, Aiden and I sit long past midnight in the kitchen talking and bonding.

Tomorrow afternoon I take the train back to Nyc and Aiden drives back to Boston.

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