made to love you

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I wake up the next morning, alone but feeling relaxed and happy. Only the twins can make me have a better morning, but as they are on the other side of the continent, I'll take this feeling to heart. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders by telling him about Charles last night. And then when he said what he said omg. I mean I knew it I guess, but still hearing it and so delicately put. Never did I not love you. Not even when he had a child with someone else. Thats so... I dont know what it is. Out of this world. 

I felt the same, even when saying yes to the engagement to Charles. He was always on my mind. To think now that he had Madison then is so weird. I guess we both knew we were each others something special, and even when new people came along, we cherished what we had.  And thats special, especially now that it has led us somehow to each other again. 

I hear laughter and conversation in the kitchen as I come down the stairs

J: Heey

Mum and Hero are in the kitchen baking and talking

M: Oh good morning dear

H: Hey

J: What are you guys doing?

M: Well we decided to make pancakes for breakfast... but then Hero got talking about "rosinboller" how he loves them and hasn't eaten one in years... so we are not making that as well.

J: Wow

H: Maybe I'll learn for once... and can bake it myself next time

J: Nice... where is dad?

M: Out for a run

J: How come you didnt go? - I look at Hero

H: I ve already been... I was up 5 AM this morning

I look at him strange: "You are so weird!"

He chuckles, as does mum

M: Want a pancake dear?

J: Yes, please

M: So what are your plans for the day?

J: I dont know... what are yours? - I look at them both

H: I am in zoom meetings until afternoon

J: How fun

He chuckles: "Very much... you should join?!"

J: I am good thanks

We smile and laugh at our own bantering, my mum is occupied with her baking but, she smiles to herself at our silliness too. 

Dad joins us shortly after and we eat pancakes all together until they have their first zoom meeting, while mum and I go to visit grandparents and other relatives. 

In the evening we again gather up at the house, dad cooks us his famous beef Wellington that we throughly enjoy. We sit at the table and talk long after we have licked our fingers from the delicious beef. I love his interaction with my family, he so fits in with us. Mum and dad both go to bed around 11PM, leaving us alone.

H: You wanna go sit out on the patio?

J: Yeah, sure. Wine?

H: Bring it - he smiles and steps outside

I go to grab a wine bottle and two glasses for us. When I step outside he has set up two patio sunbeds and a blanket on each. A small table in between them. 

J: How did the meetings go today? 

H: They were solid. I mean it was nothing new that I didn't know from before that was presented. But its like your dad said its okay to have heard it from all aspects

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