the state of being in love

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Over Christmas break we are both in London, but spend the Christmas Eve with each our families. He spends with his parents which makes me so happy. He has mentioned briefly that he talks more frequently with them. I am not pushing the conversation, but letting him be ready for himself to tell me more. 

I spend the evening at Chloe and Brandons with our mum coming from Oslo, and Aiden from Boston. Its so nice to have us all together under one roof again. I haven't seen Aiden since this summer. Dad has moved permanently back to Boston, when I left for London this summer, and is spending Christmas with his new girlfriend as this year is mums with us. Brandons parents and sister Shannon join us, along with her boyfriend Luke.

First day of Christmas Hero comes over and gets to spend some proper time with my mum. As the first and last time they met was when I was hospitalized this summer so the circumstances were not the best. He makes mum smile and relax it seems. He is so handsome and polite and beautiful and tender and smart. I love him. "He is so cute around you its impossible not to like him" Chloe answers me while we are alone in the kitchen and I ask her what she thinks mum thinks of him. This makes me smile and reach out and hug her. She brushes me off saying "like you didnt already know that". 

He and Aiden hit it off instantly, as they are basketball geeks. Aiden is studying business and management, his dream job being working in a basketball club, as he is a massive fan but, was never good enough as a player. 

We tell them about my move while we are all gathered there that night. And they are happy and supportive. He told me when he came that he told his parents and they were as well happy for us. This makes me happy. I just wish he would take me to meet them properly.

The remaining days in London are spent with our crew and Aiden. The two of them even work out together every morning while most of us normal people sleep in, especially over the holidays. But they are both sports people and daily work outs are a priority during the day. No holiday in the world is an excuse not to work out. Chloe and I are very different from our brother there, and my boyfriend clearly. :) 

Otherwise there is hang-outs, game nights, movie nights and just chill and home-vibe all through the days in London with our friends. We dont focus that much on being alone just the two of us, as when the break is over we are flying back to Barcelona to live together. 

falling - the sequelHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin