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I can't believe he invited me to Atlanta. That will be a whole weekend together with people around, people we possibly both know that aren't family or close friends. Which is a little unnerving, but at the same time I am having such a great time with him again, and I want to spend another weekend with him.

Suddenly I remember the last time I was invited, or invited myself to a basketball event by him. 

He had been playing for the Boston Celtics since signing with them in May. After the bad contract from the Cleveland Cavaliers we returned to Barcelona only to receive a good offer from the Celtics. He was thrilled. We were thrilled. I would accept a school in Nyc and he would be in Boston. It will work out perfectly. Long distance apparently being the red thread in our relationship we obviously can't escape, no matter what kind of life choices we make. 

He moved to Boston two weeks after I had moved into an apartment with Ed in Nyc. He had to finish things up in Barcelona and then spend a few days in London before moving permanently. When he made it to the American soil, I spent every home game weekend in Boston, and he came to Nyc a day-two during the week, whenever he could. But I was surely more flexible... 

One night, while Nate is visiting Ed&I in Nyc, we are in a bar, talking about possibly visiting our friend Mila in D.C

Nate: Or are you in Cleveland next weekend?

I look at him stupidly and chuckle: "Cleveland?" ... "No... why would I be in Cleveland?

Nate: The ... tournament... Tiffin is playing

It takes me a second to realize what he is saying,

J: Hero?

Nate: Yeah. It's the pre-season tournament. It takes place every year. He was there last year as well, with Barca, wasn't he?

He talks to me like I should know what he is talking about. I am clueless

J: I don't know... I dont remember

Nate: He hasn't mentioned anything?

I shake my head while Nate nods. Ed picks up the conversation and starts throwing some other dates into the mix for a possible visit to D.C.

I am a little offended. Why wouldn't he tell me about Cleveland? Or why wouldn't he invite me? Its a weekend together in another city, it could be really fun. But, apparently I am the only one thinking that. I try as much as possible to get back to the conversation and my friends at the bar table. 

Later that evening while I am in bed he sends a snap,

It's a snap of an NBA tattoo

J: WHAT?!?

H: Haha. Cool. Right?

J: Please tell me that's not yours

H: Haha. It's not mine

J: Puh! Good

H: A teammate who just arrived got the tattoo to celebrate

J: Congratulations to your teammate. That's so cool.

H: Ik.

J: Don't know if I would tattoo it, but...

H: Haha. What you up to?

J: In bed. Had a beer with the boys. They went on, I came to bed, have an early seminar tomorrow

H: Yeah. Saw Eds snap. They're out!

J: Yeah. They haven't seen each other in a month and a half so I am guessing its going to get ugly.

H: Haha

J: You are going to be in Cleveland next weekend?

H: Yes

J: Why didn't you tell me?

H: I don't know... should I?

I don't reply anything because I am waiting for him to tell me more or explain more... or I don't know... to remove the ugly stone in my stomach that is weighing me down by his words

He calls when I dont answer on his last text and a few minutes pass. I take a deep breath and press the green button. I hear him take one deep breath of his own before speaking,

H: It's a yearly tournament. It happens every year. But it's with a bat-shit crazy schedule. We'll be there for three days. Four games and press, charity, business dinners and fans meets in between. The days are just wild. I don't know if we would even be able to see each other. And also, no girlfriends or wives allowed at the players hotel. So you would have to stay at another hotel.

I chuckle a laugher, half of me hoping he is joking 

J: That's a stupid rule

H: Yeah. But hookers and escorts are gladly allowed

J: What? – my heart just stopped in my throat

H: Yeah. The way of thinking is gf and wives are stress givers while girls being paid to give you pleasure are stressrelivers

J: Oh – I say blinking a few times even though he can't see me.

This raises so many questions in my head that I can't even begin to try to reason them. Another thought peeks through, that often comes when I am stressed and worked up and angry that he isn't closer, that I really don't need this shit in my life. He just comes with so many stupid add-ons.

H: Joss?

But when he says that. Omg. My heart just stops. And I feel it in the pit of my stomach.

J: I am here

H: Would you want to come?

J: Why does it matter if I am not allowed... or invited – I had to stick it to him

He takes another breather

H: But, if you are invited... would you come?

I contemplate this for a minute. I could lie to him and play hard to get and hurt and say no. But who would that do good for. Or I could admit what I truly want to happen.

J: Yes – I say weakly

I can sense him smiling in the other end

H: Let me make a few calls and see what I can do

J: No don't do that! I mean... Hero... this is stupid. You are there to focus and train. Not to play hooky with me. Its okay... I am understanding the no gf/wives policy.

H: I'll call you in a few – and he hangs up

After twenty minutes I receive a text from him,

H: There's a flight from Newark Thursday 6:30PM, can you be on that?

J: Yes

H: Sunday at 10AM back?

J: Yes

Another five minutes go by before he starts texting again,

H: I must start practice. But, Your flight ... is sent to your mail. You're in CL 8PM Thu. I'll be at a dinner then but, someone will come for you and drive you to the hotel. I don't have all the details here and now but will know more on Monday and let you know. 😉

J: Thank you! :D :D

H: I can't wait to see you!

J: You too 😊

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