like a flower blooming

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"Hey... how was was school?" - Gemma asks as I come into the apartment after class.

J: Good - I hang up my jacket and take of the boots - Got an B on the assignment - and walk over to where she is sitting by the kitchen counter

G: Wow. Look at you, the writer. Congrats! - her smile is genuine

J: Thanks. How was your day? 

G: I had lunch with Mike

J: Again?

G: Yes. Its nice

I give her a look

G: What?

J: You are playing with fire, and its usually the player that gets burned

G: No, its not. Its the one being uncareful that gets burned, and I am very careful. Besides... Rob was on a date last night?

J: What? With who? - I ask wide eyed as I can't believe her words. I thought they were good, in their own way exclusive

G: I dont know. Some exchange student in his class. Saw it on IG - she brushes her hair back from her forehead, while breathing out, sounding exasperated

J: But? So... what does that mean?

G: That we are dating other people I guess

J: You didn't know? - I ask more calmly, sensing she was as caught off guard as I am right now, and I am pretty sure it stung her much more than it does me. I know she doesn't do relationships but, they have been hanging out for a month, which is a record for her, so I believe it makes some impact on her

G: I mean we never talked about it... but, I just thought we were on the same page. I mean who has the time to date multiple people?

J: Guys do

G: Apparently

J: You gonna say anything?

G: No. Not unless he does. 

I nod. Feeling for her. I put my hand over hers on the counter.

J: You okay?

G: I'll be fine - she tries to give me her best champion smile, and fails. I give her my best comforting smile. 

G: Hey wanna go see the new Avatar movie? - she changes the subject

J: Sure

G: Tomorrow night?

J: I can't. I have dinner at James and Amelias

G: Who?

J: Brandons parents. They are celebrating 30 years of marriage so they are having people over for a small celebration.

G: Oh cool.

J: But Saturday?

G: I am working. Sunday?

J: Book it. I am gonna go shower and get ready for work - I say as I go by the fridge to drink sparkling water.

G: Hey did you see Hero in Japan? - she asks after a minute, I slowly turn back around to face her, the bottle still in my hand and the fridge open.

J: No - is all I manage to say as I get a bit thrown off. I take a another sip of water  "I unfollowed him remember"

G: Right - she nods and goes back to her phone. Clearly doesn't want to push it, lets me wrestle through on my own

J: What about it? - I say after a pause, clearly not being able to just let it go. I see her small smile creep up while she is still browsing on her phone

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