if I could catapult my heart... to you

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We arrive late to dads house. He is already asleep, as he and mum flew in from LA today. Mum is staying for a few days to see old family and friends before returning to Oslo. I still think its weird that she is staying in dads house, which was formerly their summer house. But talking to them in LA about it, they didnt see anything weird with it because they are friends and have been very civil with each other after the divorce. 

Hero and I grab our backpacks and head towards the front door. I inhale the familiar smell of New Haven in the fall, of the country side. I love the calm it brings me whenever coming home from the big city. Its like everything settles the second I get out of the car. I can breathe more deeply, my heart rate slows down, my muscles relax, and my mind goes into a zen mode. It makes me think clearly and quicken up. It feels like Hero has the same reaction as we are both quiet until I find my key and lock us in, turning the alarm off instantly.

H: Wow I haven't been here in a while...

J: As you see... nothing... And I mean nothing... has changed

She is right... everything is just as I remember it in this house which is nice. It is like time stood still since we were here the last time. Which I believe was for a few days over a Christmas break(?). And I loved being here. Every time feels like home. Its something about this New England scent and ambiance.

J: Are you hungry?

H: You know I am always hungry

She laughs at me

J: Of course. Whole Foods burger an hour ago does nothing for you

H: Absolutely nothing

She chuckles cutely: "Come, knowing my mother is here, there's probably something for us in the fridge

We tiptoe into the kitchen, even though her parents are upstairs sleeping and can't possibly hear us. I take a stool to sit by the kitchen bar while she goes around to the fridge

J: Uuu... chicken salad? – she says and turns around with a bowl in hand

H: Ah... cold chicken salad... the best midnight snack

J: Right? – we share knowing smiles

She grabs two forks for us and puts the bowl in the middle before sitting across from me around the kitchen island

J: Dig in

H: Thanks

H: Mmm delicious

J: Heaven

Mum: I thought I heard you kids down here - her mum comes into view at the kitchen entrance

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Mum: I thought I heard you kids down here - her mum comes into view at the kitchen entrance

J: Mum... hiii - she lights up at the sight of her mother

H: Hey - I smile 

She comes around and hugs us both

Mum: How was the drive?

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